
Metro East Sun

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Edwardsville administrative committee purchases new ambulance

Webp meeting 07

The city of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met Feb. 2 to purchase a new ambulance.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

Administrative and Community Services Committee


February 2, 2017.5:30 P.M. at City Hall

PRESENT: EXCUSED: Tom Butts Bob Pfeiffer Art Risavy Barb Stammer Rick Welle Craig Louer Chris Byrne Scott Hanson Desiree Bennyhoff Cheryl Porter Sj Morrison Eric Williams John McDole Tim Harr Kyle Anderson Hal Patton Cody King Walt Williams

Public Comment - None

1. Approval of minutes for January 12, 2017 ACS Meeting-Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes.

2. Correspondence & Announcements:

A. Memo from PC regarding Public Hearing on Ordinance Amending Chapters 1242, 1248, and 1252 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Zoning District Regulations, Scope of Regulations and Definitions) - Item 3B1 below 3. Council Matters


1.) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 of the Codified Ordinance of the City of Edwardsville (Signs) -- Establishes provisions to allow electronic message board (EMB) signs with an approved Special Use Permit in residential zoning districts and an approved sign permit in other zoning districts - Alderman Butts began discussion. He feels electronic message boards are the future. He is in favor of a static mounted sign with a message board underneath it. He is unsure about the idea of dynamic displays with graphics and animation and doesn't like this in the B-1 districts of town. He doesn't have a problem with the residential part of this but he believes the dynamic display portion should be reconsidered. Alderman Louer spoke of his concerns about what this will be like in a Business District. He's concerned with how frequently they can occur. For him to support the residential section, he would like to see EMB's as part of the dynamic display sign ordinance and come up with an overall answer to signage in non-residential districts. Alderman Butts believes they should take another look at the dynamic display as it is. Motion to amend motion to allow the language they have in the residential districts to move forward and to hold the business districts in Committee to allow staff to work on it further (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes.




An Ordinance Amending Chapters 1242, 1248, and 1252 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Zoning District Regulations, Scope of Regulations and Definitions) Amendment modifies the setback for accessory structures adjacent to an alley or ingress/egress easement in R-1 Districts; allows architecturally sympathetic additions and alterations to be rebuilt to original building footprint for nonconforming single family residences located in R-1 Districts; and general language housekeeping of other affected portions of the zoning ordinance-Scott Hanson began discussion. Alderman Krause approached staff regarding this. Occasionally, cities need to evaluate whether their rules are impacting the viability of established neighborhoods. This is an approach to alternatives. The first would be can we reduce accessory structure setbacks to allow them to go closer to the property line in order to make better use of the backyard. The second alternative would be can we increase lot coverage in R-1 districts from 30 to 36 percent in order to allow for an addition to a principal building and/or a two car garage in the backyard. Alderman Butts stated the one size fits all approach isn't reality because some lots are oriented differently. His concern is with infill. If the infill is within the character of the neighborhood, there needs to be flexibility. Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes to forward to Council for first reading,

Fair Housing Resolution-Approved annually to accompany CDBG grant application to Madison County-Scott Hanson stated we are applying for a grant for 5" Avenue this year. At the next Public Services meeting, they'll have the actual application itself, it won't go through ACS but will go through PSC. Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes to forward to Council.

A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Apply for Madison County Sustainability and

Recycling Program Grant Funds from Madison County - Grant funds would assist with expenses for LED Upgrade and retrofit of the Public Works Building, 200 East Park Street-This is a budgeted item but we may be able to receive funds from the County. The project is currently out for bid. This grant opportunity was published through the Sustainability Program. Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes to forward to Council. Report from Parks and Recreation Department regarding the Edwardsville Glen Carbon Community Pool - For 2016, there was an operating loss of over $32,000. Most of this is due to pump failures and other repairs that were needed. Three pumps went out during the Summer season causing them to cancel Swimming lessons and other swim times, Alderman Butts suggested they reach out to the Senior community and possibly establish hours for them to Come to the pool without interruption. Bob Pfeiffer stated Glen Carbon is on board for this coming season. He said the City will need to provide a letter to SI U letting them know they will continue to operate the pool for the upcoming season. This item will be forwarded as information.

5) Neighborhood Associations and ENERGI grant update — Scott Hanson began

discussion. This did very well in 2016. There are 17 Neighborhood Associations that have formed with two additional added in January. This program has various elements to it. The Neighborhood University Program provided a chance for the associations to meet with City officials. We had 9 applications for ENERGI grants last year, with 5 being completed. Alderman Butts suggested including in this funds for older neighborhoods that want to just do maintenance, like trimming and removal and/or replacement. This item will be forwarded as information.

6) Approval of a resolution for the single-source purchase of a 2015 Chevrolet C3500

(corrected to G3500) chassis and remount of an existing ambulance body owned by the City of Edwardsville for the amount of $82,095,59 from Excellance, Inc., of Madison, AL. - One of the City's ambulances was in an accident in November 2016. As a result, the insurance carrier deemed the chassis as totaled out. They decided to ship it to the original manufacturer of the ambulance, Excellance, Inc. The actual ambulance body appeared to be undamaged. If the remount is done through Excellence, they will carry on the 25 year warranty on the original box dated from 2008. The insurance carrier requested Excellence do a search for a 2008 chassis to put underneath that box so it was a direct exchange. That wasn't very practical because not that many chassis were built and the condition on the ones that are built are unknown. Excellence informed the insurance carrier that the only viable option would be to put a new chassis underneath it. The insurance company has agreed to pay this, with the City paying for it up front and getting reimbursed by the insurance company. Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes to forward to Council.


1) Resolution Authorizing an Amended Intergovernmental Agreement for Lewis and Clark Community College Sign-Amends 2007 Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the approved location, design, and size of sign - Petitioner has requested this item continue to be held at this time.

2) An Ordinance Establishing the Montclaire Business District and Business District Plan; Authorizing the Imposition and Collection of a Sales Tax within such Business District, and Approving certain actions in Connection with the establishment of such Business District-Establishes the Montclaire Business District for the purpose of providing a funding source for improvements to the site (Filed for 1 reading at 12/20/16 Council Meeting. Held at ACS 12/28/16 for further clarification within the Ordinance adopting the Business District Plan regarding items considered as deferred maintenance items that are contained in the Business District Plan) Will continue to hold. D.) ITEMS RETURNED TO COMMITTEE: None

4. Boards and Commissions:

A.) Plan Commission - 11/21/16 Minutes

B.) Zoning Board of Appeals

C.) Human Relations Commission

D.) Historic Preservation Commission

E.) Recreation, Arts and Special Events Board


G.) Library Board

H.) Band Board -

.) Cool Cities

5. Old Business:

o Discussion of grass/weed ordinance - Staff has been asked to look at it. Alderman Butts would like vacant lots in a residential neighborhood be treated with the same criteria as a residential property. He also believes the compliance time is too long and would like to see it shortened.

6. New Business: Bob Pfeiffer wanted to point out that the loud noise in the AC System has been repaired.

7. Next ACS Meeting: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 5:30 P.M. at City Hall

8. Adjournment