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City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met December 11.


City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met December 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present: Alderman Will Krause

Aldermam SJ Morrison

Alderman Chris Farrar

Other Present: Rick Welle, Fire Chief

Jay Keeven, Director of Police

Ryan Zwijack, City Engineer

Anna Roseman, Fire Department

Cody King, Edwardsville Intelligencer

The regular meeting of the Edwardsville Public Safety Committee was called to order by Chairman Will Krause at 5:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers with quorum present: Chairman Will Krause, Alderman SJ Morrison and Alderman Chris Farrar.

Approval of Minutes-Motion by Alderman Morrison, second by Alderman Farrar to approve minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held Monday, November 27, 2017. Motion carried.

Police Department:

Action items:

•Retirement of Major Jeff Mills

Chief Keeven stated that there are two (2) officers retiring: Major Jeff Mills and Sergeant Todd Ramirez, both effective om January 7, 2018.

Major Mills' position is appointed by Chief of Police and approved by the Mayor. This will be moved for approval to Council for Major Mills' retirement. Chief Keeven will be appointing someone for this position. A sergeant's position does not need Council approval.

Alderman Morrison motion for the approval of the Retirement of Major Jeff Mills, second by Alderman Farrar. A were in favor to move forward to Council as informational. Motion carried.

Informational items:

•StarCom radio grant from Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (LEAS) The Edwardsville Police Department (EPD) has asked ILEAS for some mobile StarCom radios for the Squad cars. Recently EPD purchased, with Council approval, some used portable radios from St. Clair County. These radios were no longer being used by ILEAS and they were going to Cycle them out. EPD received twenty (20) radios. They are older and getting to the end of life but it gets EPD digital mobile radios in the squad/patrol cars at no cost other than the installation fees.

Fire Department:

Informational items:

•PSB Update

The Public Safety building had the ribbon cutting on December 2, 2017. The estimated number of attendees is around 400 people for the ceremony and tours combined. The Edwardsville Fire Department (EFD) and the EPD are getting everything boxed up for the move that will be occurring this weekend (December 15-17).

•SUV Delivered/ln Service

EFD has taken delivery on the new SUV. There were problems when it first came in at the dealership which are now resolved. The Foreign Fire Tax Fund (2% Committee) paid $4,000.00 to have the lights put om. The SUV is in service.

•I-55 incident

The I-55 incident resulted in four (4) fatalities. EFD is looking ahead to organizing all the agencies involved to have a debriefing so they can reconstruct everything that happened. This will be sometime in the first week in January. EFD wants to make sure of the lessons learned are well documented. EFD will be organizing this debriefing if the other agencies are okay with that. So far it seems they are okay with it even though it was not initially EFD's call but they had a lot of resources out there.

•Fire Old Alton-Edwardsville Road

There was a small shed fire right behind Moto Mart on Old Aton-Edwardsville Road and North Main. It is not on the property of the Moto Mart but it was by the AT&T tower. It appears Someone was living there and using it as shelter. EFD will be keeping an eye on that property so we won't have a repeat of this incident. This is just outside city limits.

Old Business:

•Security Concerns about the Madison County Courthouse at 155 N Main Street Chief Welle followed up about the bollards mentioned in the last Public Safety Committee meeting. He reached out to his Emergency Management contacts. They said the Sheriff Office is working on something. Chief Welle believes the County is at least looking at it to give it Consideration.

New Business:

Action items:

•Approval of An Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Section 114-302 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Parking Prohibited At All Times on the north side of Magnolia Street.) The amendment to this ordinance was initiated by Alderman Morrison. There have been complaints about the roadway on Magnolia Street being too narrow when vehicles are parked on both sides for emergency vehicles to safely travel. In the past, the City observed that garbage trucks cannot turn out of the alley so they have designated an area on the south side Magnolia as no parking with a yellow curb. Chief Keeven stated that no parking between signs on the north and south side of Magnolia Street would be the best way to handle this issue.

Alderman Morrison motion for the Approval of An Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Section 114-302 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Parking Prohibited At All Times on the north side of Magnolia Street.), second by Alderman Farrar. All were in favor to move forward to Council as an action item pending the approval of Public Services Committee. Motion carried.

The regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, December 26, 2017 will be canceled. The next meeting of the Public Safety Committee will be Monday, January 08, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

With no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m.




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