The Buildings and Facilities Management Committee for Madison County, Illinois met recently to review various project updates.
A number of important county projects were discussed. At the administration building project, a few items still needed to be completed for the cleaning and resealing project. At the annex project, the painting and staining for the Community Development door was complete. IT will be installing an intercom system.
There were still a few items to complete from the tuck pointing and sealing project at the courthouse. At the detention home, the buildings crew was in the process of replacing the old lockets. For the jail, the board continued to meet with architects and engineers to discuss the needs study. At Wood River, the health department purchased new water fountains and the buildings crew installed them.
Also of note at the meeting was a purchase request from the Historical Museum for a retaining wall block replacement at a cost of $26,400.
On the new business front, a county board member brought up purchasing new chairs for the county boardroom. The committee agreed the chairs were fine and rejected the idea.