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Granite City Plan Commission reviews motions

Webp hall

The Granite City Plan Commission met Thursday, March 3.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Granite City Plan Commission:

Plan Commission Minutes March 3, 2016 


The Chairman, John Janek, called the meeting of the Plan Commission to Order on Thursday, March 3, 2016, at 7:00 PM. 


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Petitioners and audience who want to speak were asked to remain standing to be sworn in. 


Members Present: John Janek, Mark Davis, Jack Taylor, Don Luddeke, Peggy Cunningham, Andy Mathes and Roger Tracy. Also present were: Zoning Administrator Steve Willaredt, Building Inspector Ralph Walden , Asst. City Attorney Laura Andrews, Alderman Dan McDowell, Alderman Tim Elliott and Alderwoman Nikki Petrillo. Excused absence: Shirley Howard and Mary Jo Akeman 


Motion to approve the Minutes from the previous meeting (January 7, 2016) was made by Roger Tracy and seconded by Andy Mathes. Voice Vote. All ayes. Motion carried. 


The Chair stated to the Petitioners, the Plan Commission is a recommending body to the City Council and the Council will make the final determination at their next Council meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. 


No Report. 

PETITIONER (1): James Gieszelmann 3410-16 Country Place Ln. Parcel: 22-1-20-10-00-000-008 District Zoned Agricultural The Chair stated the petitioner’s is requesting a Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow reclassification of 5.514 acres of property from Agricultural ground to R-1 Single Family Residential parcels. Joe Juneau, speaking on behalf of Mr. James Gieszelmann, came forth introduced himself and stated he is with Juneau and Associates at 2100 State St. Granite City, IL. Mr. Juneau stated the Gieszelmann Trust wanted to reclassify 5.514 acres of property to an R-1 Single Family. This would be a 2 lot subdivision with Preliminary and Final Plat approve for the 2 lots. Mark Davis concerns were storm water once structural will be built needs to be addressed. Jack Taylor concerns were since being subdivided will lot requirements meet Zoning R-1 and remaining acreage stay in Zoning Code Agricultural District. The acreage being zoned R-1 who would paid to keep up the roads and sewer and is this parcel still in Granite City. Zoning Administrative Steve Willaredt stated the parcel is being subdivided due to estate to heirs. Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to speak either for or against this petition. 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to approve the petition for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to amend the motion and approve the Preliminary Plat for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. Motion carried. 


John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to approve the Final Plat for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

PETITIONER (3): Tad P. Berry For Nameoki Shopping Center LP FSJ Ventures II LLC 3451 Nameoki Rd. Parcel ID: District Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District The Chair stated the petitioner’s is requesting a Preliminary and Final Plat review for the purpose of subdividing and make a separate parcel for this address. Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District. Tad P. Berry introduced himself and stated he resides at 2424 MaryKay Ct. Brentwood, MO. He is working with Joe Juneau with Juneau and Associates on the issues that need to be taken care of on the final plat. Joe Juneau stated what is being purposed is the developers are subdividing out the parcel of ground that sits back behind the formerly Aldi’s store and which is formerly the Goodwill Store. There is still some provisional’s that need to be taken care of. Easement is being extended to Fehling Road. All the utilities in the Nameoki Common Subdivision is privately owned. Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to speak either for or against this petition. 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to approve the Preliminary Plat for the purpose of sub-dividing and make a separate parcel for this address at 3451 Nameoki Rd. Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to approve a Provisional Final Plat for this pending the two addendum for the purpose of sub-dividing and make a separate parcel for this address 3451 Nameoki Rd. Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes Petitioner: (2) STL Equities LLC (Dollar General Store) 4836 Maryville Rd Parcel ID: 22-1-20-04-07-201-013 District Zoned C-6 Planned Unit Development The Chair stated the petitioner’s is requesting a Preliminary and Final Plat review for the purpose of establishing a Dollar General Store and allow C-5 in a C-6 Planned Unit Development. Bob Elkin with STL Equities LLC came forth and introduced himself and stated the company develops all over Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. We are purposing to go into a C-6 PUD District with a Dollar General Store. That specific location was identify by Dollar General Store what they call a strategically market area, unfilled by its type of operation. We have submitted all the engineering and seek your request for approval. We did not realize until we sat down there were some opposition here. We are happy to answer any questions you might have in regards to the operation and development. My engineer, Mike Fisher with MB Engineering is present to answer any questions with engineering or site plan issues. Mike Fisher introduced himself and stated he is with MB Engineering. He needed to understand a comment from Juneau and Assoc. regarding the connection to a septic system. Mr. Juneau stated on the Preliminary Plat provided to the City indicates that there would be connection to a existing septic system. Mr. Juneau related that is not permitted. Mr. Fisher replied that was false, connection would be made to an existing sewer main serviced by Madison County Special Service District # 1. Mark Davis concerns were, how many acres will be used, drainage to sanitary sewer and storm retention basin. Jack Taylor concerns were, changing zoning and why was this area chosen. Asst. City Attorney Laura Andrews concerns were, the area is a C-6 Plan Unit Development where Dollar General Store wants to build and it needs to be C-5 Commercial Highway. Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to speak either for or against this petition. Discussion for not in favor of the petition: Susan Theis resides at 2300 Arnold Dr. concerns were, against the construction project, delivery trucks making delivery and water drainage. Gary Sturdivant resides at 2332 Dwight Dr. concerns were water problems and after a few years of Dollar General Stores being in business their store appearance and property are not well kept. Kristen Novacich resides at 82 Raes Creek Dr is representing her parents Pete and Ruth Ann Novacich which resides at 4611 D’Lynn Dr. concerns were, water drainage, traffic, and after a few years of Dollar General Stores being in business their store appearance and property are not well kept. Robert Zaruba resides at 10 Blue Spruce Ct. concerns were, water drainage with flooding, Dollar General Store are not clean inside of store and trash dumpster will need to be enclosed. Lynn Canada resides at 8 Blue Spruce Ct. concerns were, there is no need for a Dollar General Store in this location which is a residential area. Ralph Lickenbrock resides at 17 Blue Spruce Ct. concerns were, water issues, no detention basin, and a residential area does not need a commercial business in the middle of a block. Andrew Wadlow resides at 2360 Morrison Rd. concerns were, property value and taxes. Walter Peleshenko resides at 21 High Trail St. Peters, MO. represents St. Cyril & Methody Eastern Church at 4770 Maryville Rd. concerns were, raw sewer backup and drainage problems and against this development. Helen Hawkins resides at 2600 Angela Dr. represents Nameoki Township the district where this water will flow, we do have support from our present County Board member Mr.Gushleff that represents Granite City, her concerns were, water drainage with flooding Maryville Road. Mike Geseke resides at 15 Blue Spruce Ct. concerns were, water problem. Phyllis Geseke resides at 15 Blue Spruce Ct. concerns were, Maryville School close by with kids using the crosswalk to cross the street, no stop signs and creating more traffic on Maryville Rd. and property value. Bill Gushleff resides at 2340 Dwight Dr. concerns were, oppose against development of this project. Keith Miles 4828 Danielle Ct. concerns were, oppose of this project for a mirror of reason and no one has spoke in favor of this development except the two gentleman that represents the development for the Dollar General Store. I hope you take in consideration of who you represent these people standing behind me not Dollar General Store, not a Architectural or Engineer Firm. Paul Lance resides at 4841 Warnock concerns were, sewer problems and not in favor of this development. Dave Copper resides at 2905 Redwood and represents the Elks Lodge at 4801 Maryville Rd. concerns were, flooding on Maryville Rd. and if there is going to be more development on this section of land we need to improve the infrastructural to take this water and bury it off with antiquate drain systems. Ryan Merszaros resides at 3137 Willow concerns were, how many Dollar General Stores were in a 2.5 mile radius already. Another 2.2 mile radius is a Family Dollar and Dollar Tree that exist. Our city does not need another development of a Dollar General Store. Ms. Fritzsche resides at 2345 Arnold Dr. concerns were, low spot of flooding and property value. John Pope resides at 2126 Waterman concerns were, property value, traffic and we do not need this development of a Dollar General Store. Joel Walk resides at 4724 Benning St concerns were, creating more traffic on Maryville Rd. when it is already congested with traffic and property value. Amanda Greathouse resides at 2117 Cheshire Ct. concerns were, added traffic on Maryville Rd., roads will deteriorate more and bringing in this development for a Dollar General Store is a bad idea, not a good fit and going in the wrong direction. Scott Whitehead resides at 4118 Stearns concerns were, Maryville School and the parking lot is not large to drop the kids off at school, so you have to park across the street and the kids has to use the crosswalk to get to the school. Sidewalk that stretches along Maryville Rd. pedestrian like to use that stretch of sidewalk to walk, run and exercise their pets it is peaceful and safe and bringing in Dollar General Store will break up that stretch of sidewalk. Also, what will this development do to our property value and taxes. Asst. City Attorney Laura Andrews expressed to the audience this is not Granite City sewer system, it is Madison County Special Service District. 

MOTION by Roger Tracy and seconded by Andy Mathis to approve a C-5 Commercial Highway Use in a C-6 Planned Unit Development Zone located at 4836 Maryville Road. All nayes. Motion failed unanimously. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek No Don Luddeke No Roger Tracy No Mark Davis No Peggy Cunningham No Jack Taylor No Andy Mathes No 

MOTION by Jack Taylor and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to place on file the petitions to oppose the development of Dollar General Store at 4836 Maryville Rd. All ayes. Motion carried. There were no further comment for or against this petition. 

NEW BUSINESS None Voiced. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS None voiced. A Motion to adjourn was made by Peggy Cunningham and seconded by Jack Taylor. All ayes. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Dickerson Secretary, Plan Commission 


Hearing Date: March 3, 2016 

PETITIONER (1): James Gieszelmann 3410-16 Country Place Ln. Parcel: 22-1-20-10-00-000-008 District Zoned Agricultural MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to approve the petition for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to amend the motion and approve the Preliminary Plat for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Roger Tracy to approve the Final Plat for James Gieszlemann at 3410-16 Country Place Lane to rezone to R-1 Single Family Residential. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

PETITIONER (3): Tad P. Berry For Nameoki Shopping Center LP FSJ Ventures II LLC 3451 Nameoki Rd. Parcel ID: District Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to approve the Preliminary Plat for the purpose of sub-dividing and make a separate parcel for this address at 3451 Nameoki Rd. Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes 

MOTION by Mark Davis and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to approve a Provisional Final Plat for this pending the two addendum for the purpose of sub-dividing and make a separate parcel for this address 3451 Nameoki Rd. Zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District. Motion carried. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek Yes Don Luddeke Yes Roger Tracy Yes Mark Davis Yes Peggy Cunningham Yes Jack Taylor Yes Andy Mathes Yes Petitioner: (2) STL Equities LLC (Dollar General Store) 4836 Maryville Rd Parcel ID: 22-1-20-04-07-201-013 District Zoned C-6 Planned Unit Development 

MOTION by Roger Tracy and seconded by Andy Mathis to approve a C-5 Commercial Highway Use in a C-6 Planned Unit Development Zone located at 4836 Maryville Road. All nayes. Motion failed unanimously. 

ROLL CALL VOTE John Janek No Don Luddeke No Roger Tracy No Mark Davis No Peggy Cunningham No Jack Taylor No Andy Mathes No 

MOTION by Jack Taylor and seconded by Peggy Cunningham to place on file the petitions to oppose the development of Dollar General Store at 4836 Maryville Rd. All ayes. Motion carried.



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