City of Madison Urban Design Commission met April 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call to Order / Roll Call
Sheri Carter; Lois H. Braun-Oddo; Dawn O. O'Kroley; Cliff Goodhart; John A. Harrington; Rafeeq D. Asad and R. Richard Wagner
Present: 7 -
Excused: 2 - Thomas A. DeChant and Michael J. Rosenblum
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Goodhart, seconded by Braun-Oddo, to Approve the
Minutes of March 22, 2017. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
Public Comment
Disclosures and Recusals
Braun-Oddo recused herself on Item Numbers 1 and 6.
Secretary's Report/Agenda Overview
Public Project
1. 45612 200 South Pinckney Street (Block 88 & Block 105) - Judge Doyle. 4th Ald. Dist.
A motion was made by Asad, seconded by Carter, to Grant Initial Approval.
The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: 4 - Sheri Carter; Cliff Goodhart; John A. Harrington and Rafeeq D. Asad
Noes: 1 - Dawn O. O'Kroley
Recused: 1 - Lois H. Braun-Oddo
Excused: 2 - Thomas A. DeChant and Michael J. Rosenblum
Non Voting: 1 - R. Richard Wagner
2. 35814 5712 Odana Road - Demolition of Two Existing Buildings and Construction of a New Two-Story Building and Parking Area for "Smart Motors" in UDD No. 3. 19th Ald. Dist.
A motion was made by Harrington, seconded by Asad, to Grant Final Approval.
The motion passed by voice vote/other.
3. 46542 1701 McKenna Boulevard - Comprehensive Design Review for "Our Redeemer Lutheran Church." 20th Ald. Dist.
This item was approved as a consent item with the finding that all applicable standards are adequately addressed.
A motion was made by Goodhart, seconded by Braun-Oddo, to Grant Final
Approval. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
4. 46184 504 East Badger Road - Comprehensive Design Review for "Fields Auto." 14th Ald. Dist.
This item was approved as a consent item with the finding that all applicable standards are adequately addressed.
A motion was made by Goodhart, seconded by Braun-Oddo, to Grant Final
Approval. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
Special Items of Business
5. 46541 6817 Winstone Drive - Appeal of Natural Lawn Application Denial. 1st Ald. Dist.
A motion was made by Harrington, seconded by Carter, to Refer to a future
Urban Design Commission meeting. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
Unfinished Business
6. 45920 201-213 North Blount Street - PD, New 8-Unit Residential Apartment Building. 2nd Ald. Dist.
A motion was made by Goodhart, seconded by O'Kroley, to Grant Final
Approval. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
Business by Members