City of Collinsville Planning Commission met June 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Speakers from the Floor: Please refer to the last page of the agenda for specific rules governing Speakers from the Floor,
4. Approval of Minutes: May 10, 2018
5. Public Hearing:
a. 18-PZ-05-12 - Townhomes at Rolling Oaks: A request to rezone a property located at 109-123 Rolling Oaks Drive from "R-3" Multifamily Residential District to "P-R3" Planned Multifamily Residential District and Site Plan review for the purpose of constructing one two-story, eightunit, apartment building.
b. 18-PZ-05-13 - Application to Amend Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning) - Home Occupations: A city-initiated request to amend Title 17 Zoning to revise requirements for accessory use home occupations.
6. New Business:
a. 18-PZ-05-15 - Annexation of 112 South Mulberry Road: A petition for the annexation of 112 South Mulberry Road into the City of Collinsville.
7. Old Business:
a. Comprehensive Plan
8. Staff Update
9. Comments from Commission Members
10.Items for the July 12, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting
11. Adjournment