Four out five referendums passed in St. Clair County on Nov. 6.
The St. Clair Township Sewer levy passed. The measure asked "Should the Illinois General Assembly pass legislation to prevent municipalities from charging higher sewer rates to customers living in unincorporated areas than they do customers living within municipal boundaries?"
With 100 percent of the votes counted, 56,345 approved and 23,598 opposed the referendum.
The Villa Hills Fire District Bond Issuance measure passed. The question on the ballot asked, "Shall the Villa Hills Fire Protection District be authorized to renovate, equip, expand and improve existing buildings and facilities and to acquire and renovate fire trucks and other firefighting apparatus and equipment and issue its general obligation bonds in the principal amount of $1,375,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?"
With 100 percent of the votes counted, 651 approved and 208 opposed the referendum.
The Collinsville Area Recreation District question asked if the Collinsville Area Recreation District should be dissolved. The measure passed. With 100 percent of the votes counted, 874 approved and 224 opposed the referendum.
The Columbia Fire Protection District Tax Levy question—"Shall the Columbia Fire Protection District levy a special tax at a rate not to exceed .30% of the value of all taxable property within the district as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the purpose of providing ambulance service?—was approved by voters.
With 100 percent of the votes counted, 346 approved and 302 opposed the referendum.
The Smithton Community School District #130 Bond Issuance measure did not pass. The question on the ballot was, "Shall the Board of Education of Smithton Community Consolidated School District Number 130, St. Clair, Illinois, improve the site of, build and equip an addition to and alter, repair and equip the Smithton Elementary School Building and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $5,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?"
With 100 percent of the votes counted, 1,141 approved and 1,158 opposed the referendum.