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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Collinsville City Council met September 23

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City of Collinsville City Council met Sept. 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the council


Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.


Also present: City Manager Mitch Bair, Corporate Counsel Steve Giacoletto, and City Clerk Kim Wasser. 

Present: 5 - Councilman Jeff Stehman, Councilman Donna Green, Councilman David Jerome, Councilman Tony Hausmann, and Mayor John Miller 

Absent: 0


Delivered by Pastor David Seaton of Collinsville Community Church.



1. Presentation of the September Yard of the Month Award - Kendra Howell of 704 LaSalleAttachments: Agenda Item Report Mayor Miller presented the Yard of the Month Plaque and gift certificate to recipient.

2. Proclamation Recognizing October as National Community Planning Month

3. Proclamation for National Fire Prevention Week October 6-12, 2019 Attachments: Proclamation Mayor Miller read the Proclamation.

4. Recognition for being Nominated as the Best Operated Wastewater Treatment

Facility by the Illinois Association of Water Pollution Control Operators Attachments: Nomination Letter Notification Mayor Miller read the nomination letter and thanked staff for efforts.


1. An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance No. 18-71 and Rezoning Real Estate Owned by Text Party Inc. Located at 107 and 109 East Main Street to "UCD" Uptown Collinsville District 

Cristen Hardin, Associate Planner, indicated the applicant requested the property to be rezoned to Uptown Collinsville District in order to accommodate a full service restaurant with sidewalk dining. She spoke of the current use and indicated Monster Vinyl will be closing in the near future. She further indicated rezoning is necessary due to a change in use at the property. The Planning Commission reviewed and recommend approval of the rezoning and site plan. She highlighted improvements that will take place to include awning, tuck pointing, rear patio, fencing, trash enclosure, and repaving of parking lot.

Councilman Jerome expressed concerns regarding the viability of another restaurant within the Uptown area.

Councilman Green inquired of the menu to which Ms. Hardin advised American style food with an expanded menu to be determined. The anticipated opening date is scheduled for next year.

Mayor Miller inquired if they will be selling alcoholic beverages and if they will have video gaming on site. Mr. Hardin advised they will offer alcoholic beverages but did not know of video gaming. A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0

2. Public Hearing on Annexation Agreement - 26 Holiday Drive

a. Motion to Open Public Hearing b. Staff Report c. Public Input d. Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing Motion to open the Public Hearing by Councilman Stehman, second by Councilman Hausmann; roll call: Stehman - yes, Green - yes, Jerome - yes, Hausmann - yes, Miller - yes.

Staff Report: Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director Derek Jackson advised staff received a Petition for Annexation and a Pre-Annexation Agreement from Jason Summer for the property located 26 Holiday Drive. The parcel is 14.28 acres and consists of farmland and woods. The applicant is looking to build a single family residence on the property with a private gravel driveway and wants to hook up to City water but will remain on a private sewer system. He displayed an aerial view of the property and advised the property is not contiguous but once it is the property will be annexed into the City and zoned R-1 Residential. The Planning Commission recommend approval.

Public Input: Phil Astrauskas inquired if rock surfaces were permitted. Asst. City Manager Jackson clarified that this is a private rock driveway and not a formal roadway. City Manager Bair advised the property is currently outside City limits; therefore the City has no control over the type of driveway surface.

Motion to adjourn the Public Hearing by Councilman Jerome, second by Councilman Green; roll call: Stehman - yes, Green - yes, Jerome - yes, Hausmann - yes, Miller - yes.

3. An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Pre-Annexation Agreement Between the City of Collinsville and Jason Summer (26 Holiday Drive) Attachments:

Agenda Item Report Ordinance Petition Agreement Annexation Plat Staff Memo to Planning Commission Draft Planning Commission Minutes

Asst. City Manager/Community Development Director Jackson advised this ordinance allows the Mayor to execute the pre-annexation agreement and that once the property becomes contiguous the property would be annexed into the City with an R-1 Residential zoning.

A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Stehman to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0


1. Great Streets Initiative (St. Louis Rd. and Collinsville Rd.) 

Staff Memo DRAFT Great Streets Initiative Plan 

Paul Hubbman of East-West Gateway spoke of facilitated the Great Streets Initiative for the City with regards to the St. Louis Road and Collinsville Road corridor and displayed a map of the area from Main Street to Cahokia Mounds. He mentioned working with other consultants and the work they did to gather information about the area as well as public input.

He spoke of the need to connect Uptown area to the Cahokia Mounds, address walkability along the corridor, make for economic development, safety to and from Middle School, connect green space, beautify roadway, land use and address water issues. He spoke of marketing strategies. He mentioned the need to address wayfinding for the public along the corridor with signage at various intersections. He spoke of mixed use walk/bike paths and improved crossings. He identified several open gathering spaces that could be used as parks. He indicated consultants identified commercial and residential lighting options as well as a City entrance signage. He suggested ways to manage stormwater. He mentioned reducing vehicle traffic speed and streetscape improvements between sidewalks and private properties. He discussed parking for businesses and the need to align intersections in order to improve visibility. Next, he spoke of several establishments along the corridor:

* Ingress/egress of Middle School * Safe crossing between school and Sports Complex * Fairmount Park Racetrack - suggest streetscape improvements and enhanced bus stop * Clarify a safe roadway crossing at Cahokia Mounds between mound and interpretive center

Mr. Hubbman spoke of the strategic planning report, rate projects based on priorities, list recommendations and establish a timeframe for project completion. He encouraged the public to review the draft plan which is available on the City's website and submit questions or concerns.

Mayor Miller spoke of this as being a 5-10 year process that involves Collinsville and unincorporated areas within St. Clair and Madison Counties. He inquired of other municipalities with similar plans. Mr. Hubbman mentioned several other municipalities with some at completion and others in the process. City Manager Bair spoke of financial strategies and the use of potential tax revenues. Mayor Miller mentioned the benefits to the area should Cahokia Mounds be designated as a National Park. Councilman Stehman referred to this as a blueprint for long range planning. Councilman Hausmann mentioned the benefits to having public input meetings.

2. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) - Public Safety (Fire and Police Departments) 

City Manager Bair spoke of Public Safety Projects in the CIP. The total costs of the projects are estimated at $4,121,582 over the next 6 years: Fire Department = $2,597,124 (63%) and Police Department = $1,524,458 (37%). He spoke of funding sources for the projects. He advised Collinsville Fire Protection District revenues will fund projects within the Fire Department. Police Department projects will be funded by Capital Projects Fund, Forfeiture Fund, DUI Court Fines, Vehicle Fund, Animal Shelter Fund and TIF #1.

He highlighted Fire Department Projects over the next 6 years:

* Payments related to the replacement of the 1995 Ladder Truck ($103,080 annually) 

* Payments related to the replacement of the 1995 Engine Truck ($59,265 annually) 

* Replacement of the 2002 Ladder Truck in 2023 (estimated at $700,000) 

* Purchase of a vehicle for Deputy Chief ($37,000) 

* Replacement of 2006 Ambulance in 2020 (estimated at $250,000) 

* Purchase of Utility Vehicle in 2022 ($160,000) 

* Replacement/Repairs for Emergency Sirens 

* Replacement of equipment for Fire Apparatus and Ambulance 

* Bunker Gear 

* Alert upgrade system 

* Hearing Protection on Fire Apparatus He spoke of other potential improvements that may be necessary to include the relocation of Fire Station #2 and the addition of Fire Station #3.

Next, City Manager Bair spoke of projects within the Police Department:

* Facility improvements - remodel of evidence room and roof replacement ($240,000) 

* Replacement of Patrol Vehicles and Equipment - 2 per year over the next 6 years ($454,418) 

* Equipment updates - Radios, TASER 60 and Radar Signs ($676,040)


H. Bob DesPain gave documents to Councilman Green to distribute to the Council. He spoke of having limited computer access and the need to sent a certified letter to the City Manager. He asked for reimbursement for the cost of the certified mail.

Phil Astrauskas suggested Council host special meetings for discussion items. He inquired of an update regarding the lot next to the Senior Center. He mentioned Uptown establishments needing dumpster enclosures. He inquired of an inspection for occupancy at the former Sears store. He mentioned violations at several commercial properties. He spoke of the City Manager's salary.

Phil Astrauskas Jr. spoke of a business not having a paved parking lot or dumpster enclosure. He spoke of TIF funds used for businesses. He mentioned inspector's responsibilities and spoke of life safety issues not addressed.



I. Mayor Miller thanked the committee and volunteers that participated in the 36th annual Italian Fest.


Councilman Stehman spoke highly of the Italian Fest. He spoke of a citizen survey.

Councilman Jerome addressed the comment regarding a workshop before the Council meeting. He mentioned Council's desire to discuss items at a Council meeting and then vote on the item at the following meeting. He spoke of the discussion items as being large scale projects. He spoke of the meetings as being transparent. He advised a consultant indicated Mr. Bair would be highly sought after by other communities. He spoke of City Manager Bair's success and the progression of the City. He clarified the car allowance as indicated in the City Manager's contract. He too spoke highly of the Italian Fest. He thanked the Planning Commission members for volunteering their time. He congratulated the Wastewater Treatment staff for their award nomination.

Mayor Miller spoke of having Speakers from the Floor after the discussion items in order to allow for the public to comment on the items and indicated the process came at the request of the public.


City Manager Bair spoke of the time restraints for having a Strategic Session prior to a Council meeting. The new format allows for discussions during the Council meeting and an opportunity for public input. He mentioned a citizen survey will be forthcoming regarding the Italian Fest and other events.

Parks and Recreation Director Kimberly Caughran spoke of upcoming events: Tunes at Blum House - Wednesday, September 25 No School Field Trips - Monday, October 14 Garage Sale and Costume Swap at Activity Center- October 12

Fall Farm Day at Willoughby Farm - Saturday, October 5

City Manager Bair commented on the success of the Great Streets workshop and encouraged everyone to participate in the Parks and Recreation workshop.

Public Works Director Dennis Kress spoke of the oil and chip program. He displayed a map of roads to be repaired and advised signage has been posted.

Councilman Jerome asked if pool winterization has been completed to which Director Caughran advised it is scheduled to be completed this week.


City Clerk Wasser read the Consent Agenda.

1. Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending September 13, 2019, in the Amount of $1,324,058.94. 

2. Motion to Approve Payroll for the Period Ending September 6, 2019, in the Amount of $730,054.42 

3. Motion to Approve Minutes of the September 9, 2019 Council Meeting 

4. Resolution Requesting Permission from IDOT to Close Main Street for Fall Festival 

Agenda Item Report Resolution Certificates of Insurance

Mayor Miller asked if the Council wished to pull any items prior to a Motion. No items were pulled. A motion was made by Councilman Stehman, seconded by Councilman Green, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0


1. Ordinance to Award Bid and Authorize Contract with Belleville Fence Company in the Amount of $34,801 (Water Garage Fence, Project #BLD680-19) Attachments:

Agenda Item Report Ordinance Brochure-Montage Commercial Product Cut Sheet Aerial Map Director Kress advised this ordinance would authorize a contract with Belleville Fence to install 410' of 7' tall fencing at the Water Garage. He spoke of the need to secure the site with a fence. Two bids were received with Belleville Fencing Company being the lowest. A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0

2. Ordinance Adopting a System for the Administrative Adjudication of Certain Ordinance Violations in the City of Collinsville, Illinois 

Agenda Item Report.docx Ordinance Draft Ordinance - redline.docx Assistant City Manager Jackson advised this ordinance would amend the Administrative Adjudication sections of the Municipal Code. He advised the text amendment was initiated by Corporate Counsel since the code was last updated in 2005. He highlighted changes to include update to Purpose, Jurisdiction, Proceedings, Enforcement, Violation of Order and Compliance. A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0

3. Ordinance Increasing the 2019 Expenditure Budget in the General Fund as it

Relates to the City of Collinsville Housing Programs Attachments:

Agenda Item Report Ordinance Travis Taylor, Community Development Senior Planner, advised this ordinance would increase the budget for the City's Housing Program by $25,000. The Housing Program include the First Time Homebuyer's Program and Single Family Rental Conversation Program. He spoke highly of the program and an overwhelming response. He advised that staff recommends approval in order to continue the program through year end. A motion was made by Councilman Stehman, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0

4. Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code by the Addition of Chapter 3.34 (Cannabis Tax) Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers' Occupation Tax

City Manager Bair spoke of previous discussion regarding the City imposing a tax on recreational cannabis. He advised the ordinance sets a sales tax rate of 3%. He advised the current medical dispensaries will be authorized to sell recreational marijuana on January 1, 2020. Revenues will be earmarked to fund capital needs for the City. He also advised sales will be subject to the City's 1% general sales tax as well as the 1.25% Home Rule Sales tax for a total of 5.25%. Based on projects sales for the Collinsville dispensary, revenues are estimated between $1,050,000 to $1.3 million. He further clarified this ordinance is required to be passed and submitted to the Illinois Department of Revenue by September 30 in order to collect taxes come January 1, 2020.

A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Stehman to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0

5. Ordinance Declaring Property Owned by the City as Surplus and Authorizing the Sale of Property Attachments:

Agenda Item Report Ordinance City Clerk Wasser advised 3 vehicles have been identified as no longer useful to the City. She advised the ambulance listed was previously mentioned earlier during the CIP discussion as it has since been sidelined due to necessary costly repairs. She advised the other 2 vehicles exceed the age as outlined in the Fleet Maintenance Replacement Program and repairs exceed their value. Upon approval of the ordinance, the vehicles will be posted on the City's online auction site and sold As-Is to the highest bidder. A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0



Mayor Miller asked for a motion to proceed into closed session in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c):

5. The purchase or lease of real property 11. Pending or Threatened or Imminent Litigation A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 - Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0


City Clerk Wasser announced the Community Appearance Board will be hosting their annual Yard of the Year competition during the month of October. They are encouraging the public to cast their vote by visiting the City's website starting October 1. She also reminded the public that the Council's next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 15 due to Monday being a holiday.


Q. A motion was made by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Stehman to adjourn 8:48pm. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Stehman, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Miller 5 -

Nay: 0

Absent: 0

Abstain: 0




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