
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of O'Fallon City Council met March 4

Webp 3

David Hursey, Treasurer | City of O'Fallon

David Hursey, Treasurer | City of O'Fallon

City of O'Fallon City Council met March 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Procedural: 1.1 CALL TO ORDER

Mayor Roach called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Information, Procedural: 1.2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

Boy Scout pack 46 led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: 1.3 ROLL CALL

Members present: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Members present via zoom:  Todd Roach

Members absent:  Aaron Hudson

Action, Minutes: 1.4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 20, 2024

Motion by Jerry Albrecht, second by Roy Carney to approve the minutes of February 20, 2024

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


No public hearings scheduled at this time.


No city presentations scheduled at this time.


Information: 4.1 PUBLIC COMMENTS

Ron Zelms spoke for 3 minutes and 10 seconds

Vern Malare spoke for 4 minutes and 11 seconds


Action: 5.1 Request from the Marine Corp League #74 to conduct a roadblock at the intersections of State & Lincoln on May 11, 2024, 8:00 am-1:30 pm

Motion by James Campbell, second by Christopher Monroe. to approve the request from the Marine Corp League #74 to conduct a roadblock at the intersections of State & Lincoln on May 11, 2024, from 8:00 am-1:30 pm.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Nay: Jerry Albrecht

Final Resolution: 12 ayes, 1 nay, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 5.2 Request from the O'Fallon Underwater Search and Recovery Team to conduct a roadblock at the intersections of State & Lincoln on November 29 & 30, 2024, from 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Motion by Jerry Albrecht, second by Jessica Lotz to approve the request from the O'Fallon Underwater Search and Recovery Team to conduct a roadblock at the intersections of State & Lincoln on November 29 & 30, 2024, from 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 5.3 Raffle request from St. Nicholas Church to sell Raffle tickets for $100 each from March 5-May 17, 2024, with the prize to be drawn at the Nickfest on May 18, 2024, located at 625 St. Nicholas Drive

Motion by James Campbell, second by Jessica Lotz to approve a Raffle request from St. Nicholas Church to sell raffle tickets for $100 each from March 5-May 17, 2024, with the prize to be drawn at the Nickfest on May 18, 2024, located at 625 St. Nicholas Drive.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 5.4 Raffle Request from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation - O'Fallon, IL Chapter to sell raffle tickets ranging from $10-$100 each on August 3rd, 2024 with the prizes to be drawn at the KC Hall located at 402 E Hwy 50.

Motion by Tom Vorce, second by Stephanie Smallheer to approve a Raffle Request from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation - O'Fallon, IL Chapter to sell raffle tickets from ranging from $10-$100 each on August 3rd, 2024 with the prizes to be drawn at the KC Hall located at 402 E Hwy 50.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


Information: 6.1 Mayor for the Day - Danica Jackson

Danica Jackson came in to be the mayor for the day.

Information: 6.2 Happy Birthday to City Treasurer David Hursey

Information: 6.3 Start of Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 10


Action: 7.1 Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Millennia Professional Services of Illinois, LTD., for the Deer Creek Subdivision Drainage Study in the amount of $48,400.00.

Motion by Ross Rosenberg, second by Jessica Lotz to approve a Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Millennia Professional Services of Illinois, LTD., for the Deer Creek Subdivision Drainage Study in the amount of $48,400.00.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.2 Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Millennia Professional Services of Illinois, Ltd., for the North Cherry Street Improvements Project in the amount of $89,400.00.

Motion by Ross Rosenberg, second by Roy Carney to approve a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Millennia Professional Services of Illinois, Ltd., for the North Cherry Street Improvements Project in the amount of $89,400.00.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.3 Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Christ Brothers Asphalt for the 2024 Resurfacing Program in the amount of $1,238,123.70 based on unit prices submitted.

Motion by Ross Rosenberg, second by Christopher Monroe to approve a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with Christ Brothers Asphalt for the 2024 Resurfacing Program in the amount of $1,238,123.70 based on unit prices submitted.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.4 Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with KRB Excavating, Inc., for the 2024 Concrete Replacement Program in the amount of $474,334.75 based on unit prices submitted.

Motion by Ross Rosenberg, second by Stephanie Smallheer to approve a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with KRB Excavating, Inc., for the 2024 Concrete Replacement Program in the amount of $474,334.75 based on unit prices submitted.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.5 Resolution authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to sign the required IDOT Documentation regarding the Motor Fuel Tax Funds (MFT) Supplemental for the FY2025 Annual General Maintenance Program in the amount of $866,937.14.

Motion by Ross Rosenberg, second by Roy Carney to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to sign the required IDOT Documentation regarding the Motor Fuel Tax Funds (MFT) Supplemental for the FY2025 Annual General Maintenance Program in the amount of $866,937.14.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.6 Resolution opposing the Governor's proposed elimination of the 1% sales tax on grocery items

Motion by Nathan Parchman, second by James Campbell to approve a Resolution opposing the Governor's proposed elimination of the 1% sales tax on grocery items.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Nay: Dennis Muyleart, Andrea Fohne, Tom Vorce

Final Resolution: 10 ayes, 3 nays, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 7.7 Resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into 60-month lease agreement with SumnerOne for multifunction copier machines and services for the estimated monthly amount of $2,927.35

Motion by Nathan Parchman, second by Stephanie Smallheer to approve a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a 60-month lease agreement with SumnerOne for multifunction copier machines for the estimated monthly amount of $2,927.35.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


Action: 8.1 Ordinance amending Ord. 623, Zoning, (Development known as "Pintsch North America"), located at 141 Auto Court

Motion by James Campbell, second by Jessica Lotz. to consider on 1st Reading and ordinance amending ordinance ord.623, Zoning (Development known as "Pintsch North America"), located at 141 Auto Court.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.

Action: 8.2 Ordinance amending Ord. 623, Zoning, (Development known as "Calvary Church"), located at 1033 Hartman Lane

Motion by James Campbell, second by Nathan Parchman to consider on 1st reading and ordinance amending Ord. 623, Zoning, (Development known as "Calvary Church"), located at 1033 Hartman Lane.

Aye: Dennis Muyleart, Jessica Lotz, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Nay: Ross Rosenberg, Jerry Albrecht, Roy Carney

Final Resolution: 9 ayes, 4 nays, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


No ordinances for 2nd reading at this time.


Vern Malare spoke for 32 seconds

Christopher Monroe spoke for 22 seconds


Information: 11.1 Draft Community Development Minutes - February 27, 2024

Council Member Campbell stated that the next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Action: 11.2 Special Event Permit Request for Hot Rods for Hope Car Glow

Motion by James Campbell, second by Roy Carney to Approve the Special Event Permit request for Hot Rods for Hope Car Glow

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


Information: 12.1 Draft Public Works Minutes - February 26, 2024

Council Member Rosenberg stated that the next meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.


Council Member Vorce stated that the next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.


Council Member Albrecht stated that the next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.


Information: 15.1 Draft Finance/ Administration Minutes - February 26, 2024

Council Member Parchman stated that the next meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Action: 15.2 Warrant Approval

Motion by Nathan Parchman, second by Stephanie Smallheer to approve Warrant #531 in the amount of $419,042.85.

Aye: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Jerry Albrecht, Jessica Lotz, Roy Carney, Andrea Fohne, Todd Roach, Stephanie Smallheer, Christopher Monroe, Tom Vorce, James Campbell, Nathan Parchman, Eric Van Hook

Final Resolution: 13 ayes, 1 absent. Motion Carried.


Information: 16.1 CLOSED SESSION - Occasionally, the Council may go into closed session to discuss items covered under 5 ILCS 120/2(b)






Motion by Andrea Fohne, second by Roy Carney to adjourn the meeting.

Final Resolution: All ayes. Motion Carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
