
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Madison County IT Committee assesses upcoming projects for 2016


The Information Technology Committee for Madison County recently met to discuss major upcoming projects for 2016.

The Information Technology Committee for Madison County recently met to discuss major upcoming projects for 2016.

During a recent meeting, the Information Technology Committee for Madison County, Illinois, discussed major upcoming projects for 2016.

The chief projects for the coming year are a HIPPA review for the county, the email retention policy project, GIS expanding services, the mainframe system removal, the cyber security project, e-citations and the new data center.

The committee also reviewed cost savings between its old and new printers, demonstrated the signal strength of Net Motional Locality by using a map of the county and examined updates on the progress of the Public Safety: Phase II project. Here the committee noted that Phase II would be focused on fire services and EMS.

Also on the agenda was the review of old business, which included noting the old phone system had been removed entirely and the PCI review had been completed.

The committee approved regular monthly purchase orders, as well as a resolution for the Devnet maintenance project.

All but two of the committee's members were present for the meeting.