The Alton Plan Commission recently discussed a motor vehicle towing issue.
The Alton Plan Commission recently discussed a motor vehicle towing issue.
The Plan Commission for the City of Alton, Illinois, recently convened on a layover request by Charles Wiley to add motor vehicle towing dispatch centers to the list of special uses within the R-2 district.
Wiley also sought a special use permit to operate a motor vehicle towing dispatch center at 826-834 E. 7th.
The commission held a public hearing on the matter. Josh Swengrosch, owner and operator of the dispatch center, made a presentation and then answered commission questions.
Notes from these answers include that most business would come from AAA -- about 90 percent -- and most business would come electronically. The location of the company’s lot is 2809 E. Broadway, next to the bait shop on the south side of Broadway. Tow trucks would never be parked on the street after hours. Two to three trucks would park on the lot at night.
After the hearing, the commission voted. Gary Doerr, Todd Harpole and Martha Kane voted in favor. In opposition were John Rain, Bill Stoutenborough, Joe Blair, Barry Clayton, Anne Doucleff and Terry Dooley. The request failed.