City of Collinsville Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will meet on October 12.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Speakers from the Floor
a. Speakers may address the Board/Commission during the time designated as Speakers from the
Floor on the Agenda in accordance with Ordinance No. 4765 “Ordinance Governing Speakers
from the Floor during Meetings of the City Council and the Commission, Boards, and Sub-Bodies
of Collinsville, IL.” Time is limited to four (4) minutes per speaker. Please refer to the last page of
the agenda for specific rules governing speakers from the floor.
5. Updates to Commission Handbook
6. Communication from the Commission
7. Communication from the Police Department
8. Communication from the Fire Department
9. Adjournment