City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met September 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I. Public Comment: None
ll. Items forwarded to Council:
A. Approval of Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of August 29, 2017:
Aldeman Louer recommended Approval of the Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of August 29, 2017. Alderman Burns seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for information.
B. Discussion of Utility Bill at 1502 Beveridge Court:
David Sirko explained that this situation is similar to the utility bill discussion from the previous PSC meeting. Committee agreed that the average from their previous address will be applied to the new address and a Credit will be issued.
C. Approval to Award the MFT Material Proposal by Group Number to:
Group 1. Beeman Logistics, LLC for Seal Coat Aggregate in the total contract amount of $22,380.00. Group 2, Polo Trucking Inc., for Coarse Aggregate, CA-1, in the total amount of. $5,080:
David Sirko explained this contract is provides a constant cost for aggregate utilized by the City in-house Labor forces in the repair and maintence of streets, Alderman Burns made a motion to Approve the Award of the MFT Material Proposal by Group Number to Group 1 Beeman Logistics, LLC for Seal Coat Aggregate in the total contract amount of $22,380.00 and Group 2. Polo Trucking Inc., for Coarse Aggregate, CA-1, in the total amount of $5,080.00. Alderman Louer seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for Approval.
III. Old Business:
A. Discussion of Roadway improvement Projects: Ryan Zwijack provided a spreadsheet and summary of all road improvement projects using Capital improvement, street and bridge funds, MFT funds, and other available funds.
IV. New Business: None
V. Information for Council Agenda
A. Next Public Services Committee meeting will be held in the Governor Edwards Conference Room (Committee Room) of the City Hall Building on September 26, 2017 at 5:30 pm.
VI. Adjournment Alderman Louer made amotion to adjourn. Alderman Burns seconded the motion. Committee adjourned at 6:05 p.m.