
Metro East Sun

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Moore is uneasy about Durkin-Madigan relationship




When it comes to politics in the United States, compromise is an important hallmark of good interparty relations; however, receiving funding from the opposite party is not viewed with the same positivity. 

In a recent discovery, Illinois House Minority Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) was found to have received funding from Illinois Democratic leaders. Given the rocky history of relations between Illinois Democrats and Republicans, this affiliation looks suspect at best.

“When I hear that powerful Illinois Democratic leaders are donating money to Mr. Durkin's re-election campaign, my instincts tell me that something is amiss,” Don Moore, Republican candidate in the 108th House District, told Metro East Sun. “When Mr. Durkin receives money from a powerful Chicago alderman like Ed Burke, a Democratic supporter and nonprofit executive like Mr. Jack Wuest, a Chicago-based lobbyist like Victor Reyes, associates of (House Speaker) Mike Madigan (D-Chicago), and a laundry list of lobbyists with close associations with the Illinois Democratic Party, it is clear that our Republican (House) leader has lost sight his obligations to the Illinois Republicans that voted for him to look out for their best interests.”

Madison County Board Member Don Moore, running in GOP Primary for Illinois State House

Moore, who only recently entered the political arena, finds the history of Durkin and Madigan, a conflict of interest, as Republicans have been working tirelessly to push back against the liberal agenda that is hindering the progress of the state.

“What has this partnership brought to the people of Illinois? I'll summarize with a budget deficit of $1.8 billion, $15 billion in unpaid bills, $130 billion in pension debt, and a credit rating that has been stair-stepping downward to Baa3, or the worst credit rating in the nation and one step from junk status,” Moore said.

Moore, while disheartened by the deceptive association between Durkin and Madigan, is still fighting for the people of Illinois.

“Yes, Mr. Durkin has failed and it is time for a change in leadership and for Mr. Durkin to retire after 22 years as a state representative,” Moore said. “When you think of the Land of Lincoln, do you think of a state that protects its citizens, a state that has strong families and communities? I see a state that is one step away from a junk credit rating, and if we take one more step down this set of stairs, will earn the distinction of being the first and only state to ever achieved such notoriety.”

Moore, a Republican from Troy, is seeking the 108th House District seat held by Rep. Charlie Meier (R-Okawville). The 108th House District includes parts of Clinton, Madison, St. Clair and Washington counties.