James Killion-Beautification and Enhancement Committee met Dec. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present
Rev. Sheila Goins
Tammy Smith
Stephen Thomas
Partner Bob Barnhart (Park and Rec. Director)
Topic: Cans for James Killion Park
Mr. Barnhart is willing to provide the needed cans (18) for the park and just
needs the addresses or locations where they are to be delivered for
painting. Mr. Thomas agreed to contact the school partners and provide the
information at the next meeting.
Dunbar Masonic Lodge donated two hundred ($200.00) towards the
Committee’s efforts.
Discussed replacing the fence at the north end of the park (Locust St.) with a
updated view that won’t seem so enclosed and provide usable access to the
restrooms. Replacement yet to be determined!
Next meeting is set for December 28, 2017 at 5:30pm at Morning Star
Missionary Baptist Church, 1 E. 6th St., Alton, IL.
Meeting closed with prayer at 6:27pm