City of Belleville Historic Preservation Commission met November 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
Keith Owens, Member
Ashley Pollock, Vice Chairperson
Christina McCullough
Douglas Luna, Member
Ryan Wallis, Secretary
Jack LeChien, Treasurer
Eric Schauster, Assistant Director of Economoic Development/City Liaison
Joel Glasscock, City Planner/City Liaison
Molly McKenzie is excused
Called to order, 7:00 p.m.
Emergency procedures were presented by Eric Schauster.
Joel Glasscock, the new Planner/GIS Coordinator for Belleville, was introduced to the Commission.
Design Review Request
109 East D Street. Owner, Jackie Elmore, has shown the building to a potential buyer, and has asked that the DRR be put off until January.
Mr. Owens moved to postpone review of the DRR for 109 East D Street until January, 2018 meeting.
Ms. McCullough seconded.
Mr. LeChien noted that Ms. McKenzie has received a call from a potential buyer of a historic property.
He believes that the potential buyer met with Jackie Elmore.He notes that there is potential interest in the property.
The motion passed on a unanimous vote.
Chairperson’s Report
Ms. Pollock asked Mr. Schauster if there were any communications from the public. He reported that there was not.
Ms. Pollock reported on activity on the Commission’s Facebook page, and related to the members the other historical groups with which the Commission shares information.
Mr. LeChien asked if information on 109 East D Street was posted on Facebook. It was not. Ms. Pollock invited Mr. LeChien to send information to her to post on Facebook regarding that property.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the September 19, 2017 report were distributed.
Mr. LeChien: p. 3, top of the page, strike “Society.”
Mr. LeChien moves to approve with that amendment, Ms. McCullough seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
The bill for the Fall newsletter: Total, $428.87. 500 copies, of which 488 were mailed.
Started with $2,000 appropriation. $1,511.73 would be the new balance after the newsletter cost.
Savings: $3,095.64. That includes an increase in interest of $2.19.
New/Old Business
Manual: Mr. Owens reported that work slowed since the last meeting. He asked whether the Commission should institute new rules on security cameras. Mr. Owens said that he will have more on the Manual at the January meeting.
Mr. LeChien notes that he will not attend the January 16, 2018 meeting.
Mr. Owens asked if the Commission will publish a Spring 2018 newsletter.
Mr. LeChien notes that it would be good to publish information about museum open houses in June, 2018 that would benefit from advertising in the newsletter.
Ms. Pollock asked that the newsletter be distributed to the Belleville Historical Society receives a copy of the newsletter.
Mr. LeChien asked about the fence on the property at 421 Court Street. Mr. Schauster reported that he drove by, and the fence is still there. He followed up since the last meeting on the City staff’s effort to get the fence removed, but will follow up again.
All discussion being concluded, Mr. Wallis moved to adjourn. Mr. Luna seconded. The meeting was concluded at 7:45 p.m.