Alton City Council met April 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walker.
The Council Members present on call of the roll:
Present: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Absent: None – 0
Mayor Walker called upon Wastewater Treatment Operations Supervisor Gibson to lead the Pledge to the Flag.
Public Forum Addressing City Business:
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following request for the floor from Mrs. Snyder and P. J. Bennett. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said request be approved. The Chair so ordered.
Mrs. Snyder took the floor and spoke, re: Resolution, re: That the second entrance to Gordon Moore Park be designated as “Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Drive”.
Mr. Bennett was not present to speak.
At this time Mayor Walker called upon Wastewater Treatment Operations Supervisor Steve Gibson to present the Alton Resource Recovery Facility Update. Mr. Brad Pleima from EcoEngineers spoke. Mr. Tyler Pjesky of Bartlett and West spoke and Mr. Tom Crabtree Director of Public Finance at Stifel spoke.
Council Minutes, Communications And Report Of Officers:
The Clerk presented the following Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2018 and the following Communications: Republic Services, re: Solid Waste and Recycle Volumes for the month of March, 2018; Illinois State Police, re: Forfeiture check and the following Report of Officers: City Treasurer, re: Monthly Report for March, 2018; City Treasurer, re: Report of all monies collected and expended by the City of Alton on behalf of the Alton Police Pension Fund during the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018; Police Chief, re: 2017 Municipal Dynamics Report for Alarm Registration and False Alarm Management Service. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said report be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.
The Clerk presented the following Petition, re: Grady Wahlquist for Verizon Wireless, re: Special Use Permit for 3155 Fosterburg Rd. for requesting per ordinance, communication towers. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said petition be referred to the Plan Commission. The Chair so ordered.
Committee Report:
Chairman MacAfee presented the following Committee of the Whole Meeting Report for April 23, 2018; Resolution, re: Discount and Special Bills Paid; Resolution, re: That its officials and agents are hereby authorized to pursue appropriate legal action against such properties in the Circuit Court: 928 Hawley; Resolution, re: That Dry Street from State Street to the eastern boundary of the property owned by St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church be closed to facilitate a Spring Fling event; Resolution, re: Certain streets be closed to facilitate the YWCA Race Against Racism; Resolution, re: That George Street from 7th Street to 8th Street be closed to facilitate the Union Baptist Church 108th Church Anniversary Picnic; Resolution, re: That its officials and agents are hereby authorized to pursue appropriate legal action against such properties in the Circuit Court: 2305 Powhattan, 220 Allen, 1315 Highland; Resolution, re: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the attached Notice of Sale of municipally-owned real property for three (3) consecutive weeks; Resolution, re: That the Public Works Director be and is hereby authorized to scrap used and discarded street sign posts and signs with the proceeds being placed in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund; Resolution, re: The East End Improvement Association Inc. are sponsoring a Memorial Day Parade in the City of Alton and this Memorial Day Parade will require the temporary closure of certain streets; Resolution, re: That the second entrance to Gordon Moore Park be designated as “Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Drive”; Resolution, re: Bid #2018-09; Demolition of 118 West 15th Street and 3 Signal Drive for the Building and Zoning Department. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said report be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved that the Discount and Special Bills Paid; also all Expenditure Detail Bills as listed in the Comptroller’s report dated April 23, 2018 be allowed and payment be made for same. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, it is necessary to effect the demolition of certain structures deemed unsafe under 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1, the owners of which have neglected or refuses to perform required demolition.
Now, Therefore:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that its officials and agents are hereby authorized to pursue appropriate legal action against such properties in the Circuit Court as listed below: 928 Hawley. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, Alderman Campbell has requested, that Dry Street from State Street to the eastern boundary of the property owned by Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church be closed beginning on Friday, May 4, 2018 beginning at 3:00 p.m. through Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 12:00 midnight to facilitate a Spring Fling event at Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department, and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of Dry Street from State Street to the eastern edge of the property owned by Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church on Friday, May 4, 2018 beginning at 3:00 p.m. through Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 12:00 midnight to facilitate a Spring Fling event at Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church; and
Be It Further Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to the implementation of this Resolution shall be reimbursed by Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, Alderman Campbell has requested, pursuant to the desire of the YWCA, that certain streets be closed on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to facilitate the YWCA Race Against Racism; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department, and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of the following streets on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to facilitate the YWCA Race Against Racism:
Fourth Street between Easton Street and George Street from 7 am to noon
Court Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street from 7 am to noon
No Parking on the north side of Fourth Street from George Street to Henry Street from 7:30 am until 10:00 am
No parking on the west side of Henry Street between Fourth and Fifteenth Streets from 7:30 am to 10:00 am
Type 3 barricades to block traffic at Eleventh and Twelfth Streets at Alby
Be It Further Resolved that the YWCA will be responsible for any labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, Alderman Velloff has requested, that George Street from 7th Street to 8th Street be closed on May 20, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., to facilitate the Union Baptist Church 108th Church Anniversary Picnic; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed (contingent upon all required IDOT approvals where applicable) to effectuate the temporary closure of George Street from 7th Street to 8th Street on May 20, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., on the condition that Union Baptist Church shall be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, it is necessary to effect the demolition of certain structures deemed unsafe under 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1, the owners of which have neglected or refuses to perform required demolition.
Now, Therefore:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that its officials and agents are hereby authorized to pursue appropriate legal action against such properties in the Circuit Court as listed below: 2305 Powhattan, 220 Allen, 1315 Highland. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the attached Notice of Sale of municipally-owned real property for three (3) consecutive weeks with the date of initial publication on or about April 28, 2018. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Director be and is hereby authorized to scrap used and discarded street sign posts and signs with the proceeds being placed in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, the East End Improvement Association Inc. and Upper Alton Association Inc., are sponsoring a Memorial Day Parade in the City of Alton which constitutes a public purpose;
Whereas, this Memorial Day Parade will require the temporary closure of Illinois Route 140, a State Highway in the City of Alton from Brown Street to College Avenue and from Washington Avenue to Clawson Street;
Whereas, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions of State Highways for such public purposes.
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Alton that permission to close off Illinois Route 140 from Brown Street to College Avenue and from Washington Avenue to Clawson Street as above designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation.
Be It Further Resolved that this closure shall occur during the approximate time period between 10:00 A.M. and 11:30 A.M. on May 28, 2018.
Be It Further Resolved that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall be detoured over routes with an all-weather surface that can accept the anticipated traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the State highway. (The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninterrupted flow of two-way traffic.) The detour route shall be as follows: over marked routes under police supervision off Illinois Route 140 east on Brown Street to Clawson Street then north on Clawson Street to Illinois Route 140 (College Avenue) for north/east bound traffic and south on Clawson Street from Illinois Route140 then west on Brown Street to Illinois Route 140 (Washington Avenue) for south/west bound traffic.
Be It Further Resolved, that the City of Alton assumes full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in effect.
Be It Further Resolved, that police officers or authorized flaggers shall at the expense of the City of Alton be positioned at each end of the closed section and at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing traffic through the detour.
Be It Further Resolved, that police officers, flaggers, and officials shall permit emergency vehicles in emergency situations to pass through the closed area as swiftly as is safe for all concerned.
Be It Further Resolved, that all debris shall be removed by the City of Alton prior to reopening the State highway.
Be It Further Resolved, that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., shall be used by the East End Improvement Association Inc. and Upper Alton Association Inc. as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation. These items shall be provided by the City of Alton.
Be It Further Resolved, that the closure and detour shall be marked according to the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Be It Further Resolved, that an occasional break shall be made in the procession so that traffic may pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be made for traffic on intersecting highways pursuant to conditions noted above. (Note: This paragraph is applicable when the Resolution pertains to a Parade or when no detour is required.)
Be It Further Resolved, that to the fullest extent permitted by law, the East End Improvement Association Inc. and Upper Alton Association Inc. shall be responsible for any and all injuries to persons or damages to property, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Illinois Department of Transportation, its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, lawsuits, actions, costs and fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) of every nature or description, arising out of, resulting from or connected with the exercise of authority granted by the Department which is the subject of this resolution. The obligation is binding upon the East End Improvement Association Inc. and Upper Alton Association Inc. regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by the act, omission or negligence of the Department or its officers, employees or agents.
Be It Further Resolved, that the East end Improvement Association Inc. and Upper Alton Association Inc. shall provide a comprehensive general liability policy or an additional named insured endorsement in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per person and $2,000,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of Transportation, its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects them from all claims arising from the requested road closing. A copy of said policy or endorsement will be provided to the Department before the road is closed.
Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation, District 8, to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said permission. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brake, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, Alderman Boulds has requested that the second entrance to Gordon Moore Park be designated as “Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Drive” and that appropriate signage be placed; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the second entrance to Gordon Moore Park be designated as “Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Drive” and that appropriate signage be placed. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton IL that the best bids of S. Shafer Excavating Inc., for 118 West 15th Street in the amount of $5,800.00 and Stutz Excavating Inc., for 3 Signal Drive in the amount of $8,450.00 be awarded for Bid #2018-09 for the Building & Zoning Department. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
First Reading Of Ordinances:
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.
Ordinance No. 7635. An Ordinance establishing no parking on the north side of the 1600 block of Greenwood Street. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said ordinance be Laid Over. The Chair so ordered.
Second Reading Of Ordinances:
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7629. Ordinance approving the tax increment redevelopment plan and project for the Alton Square Mall Redevelopment Project Area. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6
Nays: Velloff – 1
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7630. Ordinance designating the Alton Square Mall Redevelopment Project Area. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6
Nays: Velloff – 1
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7631. Adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Alton Square Mall Redevelopment Project Area. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6
Nays: Velloff – 1
Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7632. An Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow a motion picture and sound recording industry at 626 E. Broadway Alton, Illinois. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Reports And/Or Resolutions Of Special Committees:
The Clerk presented the following Civil Service Commission, re: Minutes of March 21, 2018; Alton Plan Commission, re: Minutes of April 10, 2018. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said minutes be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.
The Clerk presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois to rezone from R-2 (Single-Family Residential) to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District) the property identified by permanent parcel number 23-2-08-06-18-301-002, Section 6, Township 5 North, Range 9 West of the Third Principal Meridian, also known as 2411 Salu, Alton, Illinois, Be And Hereby Is Approved.
ALSO, to rezone 2322 Washington identified by permanent parcel number 23-2-08-06- 18-301-004 and 2400 Salu Street permanent parcel number 23-2-08-06-18-301-003 both existing locations of Fred’s Towing from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to C-2 (General Commercial District), Be And Hereby Is Approved. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
The Clerk presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that a special use permit be granted on the property identified by permanent parcel number 23-2- 07-02-08-201-011, Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 10 West of the Third Principal Meridian, also known as 4130 Alby Street, Alton, Illinois, for a taxi service, Be And Hereby Is Approved. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mayor Walker presented the following appointment of Larry Franklin to the St. Louis Regional Airport Authority. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said appointment be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Approval Of Actions Taken Under Suspension Of Rules At Prior Meeting:
The Clerk presented the following two (2) ordinances and one (1) resolution.
1. Ordinance No. 7633. An Ordinance vacating a portion of Seventh Street.
2. Whereas, Alton Fighting Irish Soccer Club desires to hold a special event on April 14, 2018 which event shall include the indoor sale of alcoholic beverages to benefit Alton Fighting Irish Soccer Club at Marquette Catholic High School; and
Whereas, the sale of alcoholic beverages by a nonlicensed not-for-profit requires a variance from the Alton City Council.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the following special event be and is hereby approved and a special event permit is hereby granted for sale and distribution of alcoholic liquors:
Alton Fighting Irish Soccer Club shall be entitled to sell alcoholic liquor at Marquette Catholic High School on April 14, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. to benefit Alton Fighting Irish Soccer Club.
3. Ordinance No. 7634. An Ordinance accepting the proposal of Illinois American Water Company for the sale and purchase of the wastewater collection, treatment and disposal facilities.
At this time, Mrs. Elliott asked for a separation of vote for the above and foregoing agenda item 15 c. Ordinance No. 7634.
Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 7633 and said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said Ordinance No. 7634 be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 7
Nays: Elliott – 1
Comments Or Resolutions From The Council:
Mr. Campbell presented the following two (2) resolutions:
1. Whereas, the City of Alton desires to enter into a formal agreement with Chris Bohn to lease a vacant lot owned by City located at 26 E. 6th Street; and
Whereas, a formal agreement has been negotiated and recommended by the City staff for consideration of the City Council.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the Mayor and appropriate City officials to be designated by the Mayor are hereby authorized and directed to sign the attached Lease Agreement between the City of Alton and Chris Bohn.
2. Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to amend the Traffic Code of the City of Alton be establishing a stop sign on 4th Street at the intersection of George Street for eastbound westbound traffic; and
Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable to eliminate a similar stop sign requirement previously established on 3rd Street at Langdon Street.
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the attached Ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolutions be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.
Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolution:
Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois recognizes that there are significant potential cost savings to the tax payers of the City of Alton by eliminating Alton Township, because Alton Township is coterminous with the City of Alton; and
Whereas, the City of Alton is willing and able to assume all the rights, powers, duties, assets, property, liabilities, obligations, and responsibilities of Alton Township in the event Alton Township is dissolved; and
Whereas, the Illinois legislature has made it possible for the voters of a coterminous municipality and township to determine whether the coterminous township should be dissolved by way of a referendum.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the Mayor is hereby directed to execute the attached Notice of Public Hearing and the City Clerk is directed to publish the Notice of Public Hearing all in accordance with the requirements of Illinois State Statues 60 ILCS 1/29-10. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.
Ms. Smith presented the following resolution:
Whereas, it is necessary to effect the demolition of certain structures deemed unsafe under 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1, the owners of which have neglected or refuses to perform required demolition.
Now, Therefore:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that its officials and agents are hereby authorized to pursue appropriate legal action against such properties in the Circuit Court as listed below: 1432 Thorpe. Ms. Smith made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brake, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.
Mr. Boulds requested first and second reading of Ordinance No. 7637. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8
Nays: None – 0
The Clerk presented the following ordinance for first reading.
Ordinance No. 7637. An Ordinance rezoning 2411 Salu Street, and 2322 Washington Street, Alton, Illinois to C-2 (General Commercial District).
The Clerk presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7637. An Ordinance rezoning 2411 Salu Street, and 2322 Washington Street, Alton, Illinois to C-2 (General Commercial District). Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mr. Boulds presented the following two (2) resolutions:
1. Whereas, Good Energy, L.P., serves as agent for the City of Alton with regard to purchasing utility services for the City of Alton in the performance of its municipal responsibilities; and
Whereas, Good Energy, L.P., is negotiating the utility rates for electrical for the City of Alton.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Mayor and appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City Alton an Agreement with a supplier for electrical supply as recommended by Good Energy L.P.
2. Whereas, Good Energy, L.P., serves as agent for the City of Alton with regard to purchasing utility services for the City of Alton in the performance of its municipal responsibilities; and
Whereas, Good Energy, L.P., is negotiating the utility rates for street lighting for the City of Alton.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Mayor and appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Alton an Agreement with a supplier for street lighting as recommended by Good Energy L.P. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said resolutions. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8
Nays: None – 0
Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that the above and foregoing resolutions be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
Mr. Boulds presented the following resolution:
Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the attached ordinance approving the transfer of 2018 bond volume cap allocation to the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority be considered. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said resolution and first and second reading of said ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8
Nays: None – 0
Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the above and foregoing resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
The Clerk presented the following ordinance for first reading.
Ordinance No. 7636. An Ordinance approving the transfer of Volume Cap in connection with Private Activity Bond Issues, and related matters.
The Clerk presented the following ordinance for second reading.
Ordinance No. 7636. An Ordinance approving the transfer of Volume Cap in connection with Private Activity Bond Issues, and related matters. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said meeting adjourn. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7
Nays: None – 0