City of Granite City Council met April 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Mayor Ed Hagnauer called the regular meeting to order of the City Council at 7:05 p.m.
Attendance Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott, Clerk Whitaker and Mayor Hagnauer were present.
Motion By Williams, second by Pickerell to approve the minutes from the City Council Meeting on April 3, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Simpson, second by Jackstadt to approve a Walk/Run for Mission 111 under the supervision of Public Works and Police Department. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Elliott, second by McDowell to approve a Celebration at Mr. Twist under the supervision of Public Works and Police Department. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Petrillo, second by McDowell to approve the request from the Granite City Art & Design District for Eat, Drink and Grow Native under supervision of Public Works and the Police Department. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Elliott to approve the request for the National Day of Prayer at City Hall. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Petrillo, second by McDowell to amend the placement of the Ruben Mendoza Statue. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Simpson to place on file the monthly report for Building & Zoning for February 2018 and March 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Elliott to place on file the Board of Appeals Minutes for April 4, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Elliott to concur with the Board of Appeals for the approval of a 4 foot fence at 2929 Grand. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Thompson to approve the Plan Commission Minutes for April 5, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Simpson to concur with the Plan Commission for the construction C-1/C-2 Medical Office Space at 3908 Maryville Rd. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Thompson to concur with the Plan Commission for a special use permit for 1607 Ferguson and 1604 Courtney. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Elliott to table the Ordinance for Rodeos. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By McDowell, second by Petrillo to place on file the Committee Meeting Minutes for April 3, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Thompson, second by Davis to approve the memorandum from Juneau, for the 19th Street overpass Bridge Inspection in the amount of $2,500.00.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Thompson, second by Jackstadt to approve the memorandum from Juneau, for 2017 MCCD Slurry Seal Program rebid results for the amount of $78,010.05 to Missouri Petroleum Products co., LLC.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Thompson, second by Davis to approve the memorandum for Juneau, for the 2017 MCCD HMA program rebid awarded to Christ Bros in the amount of $166,052.14.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Thompson, second by Elliott to approve an Ordinance establishing one Handicapped Parking Space for two years at 2542 E 25th Street, within the City of Granite City, Illinois.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Final Passage: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Schmidtke, second by Pickerell to place on file the Fire Department monthly report for March 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Davis, second by Thompson to approve a Resolution approving a leave of absence for an employee of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Davis, second by Thompson to place on file the Wastewater Committee Minutes for April 3, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Williams, second by Simpson to give the Attorney’s settlement authority as directed by the Council in Closed Session tonight.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Pickerell, Elliott. Petrillo abstained. All Others Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Williams, second by Simpson to place on file the Insurance & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes for April 3, 2018 and the Closed Session Minutes stay closed for an additional six months.All Others Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Jackstadt, second by Elliott to place on file the Economic Development Committee Minutes for April 3, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Simpson, second by Petrillo to place on file the Treasure Report for March 2018.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Simpson, second McDowell to approve payroll in the amount of $737,760.27.
Roll Call: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Pickerell, Elliott. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Simpson, second by Thompson to place on file the Finance Committee Minutes from April 3, 2018. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Motion By Thompson, second by Schmidtke to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 7:18 p.m. All Voted Yes. Motion Carried.
Meeting Adjourned