City of Belleville Streets & Grades Committee met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
In Attendance Chairman Members: Alderman Kent Randle
Alderman Ed Dintelman
Alderman, Chairman Roger Wigginton
Alderman Raffi Ovian
Alderman Andy Gaa
Alderman Mike Buettner
Absent: Alderman Dennis Weygandt
Alderman Ken Kinsella - Excused
Staff: Tim Gregowicz, City Engineer
Jason Poole, Director of Public Works
Collette Parsons, Engineering Secy
Mark Eckert, Mayor
Guest Aldermen Attending: Michael Hagberg, Resident
Alderman Wigginton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Public Participation- Michael Hagberg, mentioned Ameren replaced street lights with LED equivalent bulbs and that the lighting seems harsher and are spotlighting street instead of spreading light between homes. Tim stated some areas have been upgraded to brighter bulbs to help that issue. Mr. Hagberg also mentioned on South 8th Street the sidewalk and the railroad crossing have not been done. Tim stated we are working with railroad and should be completed this summer.
Alderman Weygandt made a motion to approve the minutes from February 20, 2018. Alderman Buettner seconded the motion.
Director of Public Works:
Jason stated he does not have a report at this time but welcomed anyone to contact him with any concerns or complaints.
New Business:
1.West Main Street Streetscape Joint Agreement
Alderman Wigginton requested a motion for Resolution No. 3330. Alderman Gaa made a motion. Alderman Weygandt seconded motion. Alderman Wigginton opened for discussion. Tim explained and described Joint Agreement, Grant and bidding process. All present voted aye. Motion carried.
2-7. 2019 General Maintenance Aggregates
Alderman Wigginton requested motion to approve Mike Meadge Trucking Inc. in the amount of $39,065.00 for Group 1A and 1B. Alderman Dintelman made a motion. Alderman Weygandt seconded motion. Tim requested to explain bid tabs before vote. Alderman Wigginton allowed explanation. Tim explained bid tabs and recommended to committee for approval. Alderman Randle asked Tim and requested explanation of each group. Tim explained Group 1A and 1B. Alderman Kinsella made a request to Alderman Wigginton to make one motion for items two through seven since they all pertain to IDOT bids. Alderman Wigginton agreed and Tim said all bids came in under and he is recommending all for approval. Alderman Randle stated item two will need to be amended if all read as one. Alderman Dintelman says he would amend his motion to go to low bid for aggregates. Alderman Wigginton read remaining new business items 2 through 7 as one group. Tim explained each group. Regarding item seven, Mayor gave examples of concrete work that was done by the street department and explained why street department is utilized. Alderman Randle asked what the limit was that the street department can do. Tim advised it is usually ninety-nine yards per job. Mayor reminded the manpower is not available for street department to do concrete work every day. Jason stated the typical jobs they do is emergency work. Alderman Gaa asked if the reason for the ninety-nine yards is because of the Union's. Tim says it is. Alderman Ovian requested curbs and gutters for west side of the street on North 98th Street. Tim says he will take a look at that area when it rains. Alderman Ovian requested explanation on group 3A, 3B and 3C. Tim gave explanation. Alderman Wigginton requested a second for the amended motion to approve items 2 through 7. Alderman Weygandt seconded amended motion. Mayor requested a roll call vote. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Mayor voted aye. Motion carried.
8. 2019 Sidewalk Program
Tim explained program and bid tabs for sidewalk program. Tim recommended approval for low bidder. Alderman Gaa asked if crosswalks would be repainted before sealing. Tim said this is for sidewalks not crosswalks. Discussion ensued. Alderman Kinsella made a motion to approve 2019 Sidewalk Program. Alderman Weygandt seconded motion. Mayor asked that first item be recorded as a roll call vote. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Mayor voted aye. Motion carried. Mayor requested first item show as unanimous aye vote. All voted aye and item 1 carried.
9. 2019 Infrastructure Program
Tim explained Infrastructure program and recommended Fournie in the amount of $96,944.50 for MFT funds. Alderman Randle asked about bid prices. Tim explained bid prices reason. Discussion ensued. Alderman Kinsella made a motion. Alderman Ovian seconded motion. Alderman Kinsella made a motion. Alderman Weygandt seconded motion. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Mayor voted aye. Motion carried.
10. 2019 Signals Program
Tim explained Electrico guaranteed last year's prices and discussed program. Tim recommended Electrico in the amount of $61,477.40 for this year's signal program. Alderman Kinsella made a motion. Alderman Weygandt seconded motion. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Mayor voted aye. Motion carried.
11. Lighting Installation at Sunset Ridge
Tim explained lighting installation options. Discussion ensued. Tim recommended Electrico for an amount not to exceed $2000.00 for boring conduit for lighting installation at Sunset Ridge. Alderman Gaa made a motion. Alderman Buettner seconded motion. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Motion carried.
12. Storm Water Permit Implementation
Tim explained RJN and 2018 Co-Permittee Scope of work on Phase II Storm Water Permit Implementation. Tim recommended approval of RJN Group in the amount of $1,800.00. Alderman Kinsella made a motion. Alderman Dintelman seconded motion. Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Dintelman, Ovian, Gaa, Buettner, Weygandt, Kinsella, Wigginton. Motion carried.
13. ROW Dedication for Bicentennial Park Drive
Tim explained the reason and need for approval of the ROW Dedication for Bicentennial Park Drive. Tim made a motion to approve ROW Dedication for Bicentennial Park Drive. Alderman Weygandt made a motion. Alderman Gaa seconded the motion. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Miscellaneous/Aldermanic Discussion:
Alderman Weygandt asked Jason about tree removal. Tim discussed trees and sidewalks. Discussion ensued.
Alderman Wigginton asked about 9810 W. Main and flooding issues in her yard. Discussion ensued. Tim discussed the Salt Purchase Commitment for 2018-2019. Discussion ensued.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderman Dintelman at approx 6:53 p.m. Alderman Weygandt seconded the motion. All members present voted aye. Motion approved.