
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belleville City Council met September 4

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City of Belleville City Council met September 4.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

Mayor Mark Eckert called this meeting to order.

Mayor Eckert explained the disaster procedures. Mayor Eckert reminded anyone speaking this evening to step up to a microphone because the meetings are being taped and posted the next day on the website.

Mayor Eckert requested City Clerk Meyer to call roll. Members present on roll call: Alderman Hazel, Alderman Kinsella, Alderwoman Pusa, Alderman Buettner, Alderman Randle, Alderman Tyler, Alderman Anthony, Alderman Ovian, Alderwoman Schaefer, Alderman Dintelman, Alderman Gaa, Alderwoman Stiehl, Alderman Weygandt, Alderman Elmore, Alderman Wigginton and Alderman Barfield.

                                            Roll Call Department Heads

Roll Call Department Heads: City Clerk, Jennifer Gain Meyer, City Treasurer Hardt and City Attorney Hoerner; Fire Chief, Tom Pour; City Engineer, Tim Gregowicz; Director of Maintenance, Ken Vaughn; Human Resource Director, Sherry Favre; Director of Parks and Recreation, Debbie Belleville; Health and Housing Director, Bob Sabo; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Wastewater, Royce Carlisle; and Director of Economic Development, Annissa McCaskill and Director of Library, Leander Spearman.

Police Chief, Bill Clay and Finance Director, Jamie Maitret are excused.


Mayor Eckert led the Pledge of Allegiance.

                                                   Public Hearing

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel to table the Petition for Annexation of 510 Schlueter Germaine Road( Parcel Nos. 13- 10.0-200- 024, 13- 10. 0- 200-027).

All members voted aye.

                                              Public Participation

Stewart Lannert

Mr. Lannert stated he does not stand during the pledge of allegiance because the flag and the pledge is more important than the city and county not running an honest election.

The newspaper stated the crime is down in Belleville; however, every day the paper reports robberies, rapes, murders, child killing/abuse, drug dealing/abuse.

Union School came in over budget and a Missouri company is the main contractor doing the work. What happened to spending money in Belleville and/or Illinois. Democrats are doing electioneering on taxpayer time which is dishonest and illegal.

Cars are running the stop sign and 29th/Godfrey which is located in a school zone.

Businesses are leaving town.

                            Presentations, Recognitions & Appointments

Mayor Eckert recognized the character word of the month" RESPECT" meaning showing regard for self,others, property and those in authority.

                                            Approval of Minutes

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve City Council Meeting Minutes and Executive Session Minutes- August 20, 2018.

All members voted aye.

                                Claims, Payroll, and Disbursements

Alderwoman Pusa made a motion seconded by Alderman Anthony to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of$3,550,073.26 and payroll in the amount of$892,018.92.

Members voting aye on roll call: Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel. ( 16)



                                             Oral Reports

Zoning Board of Appeals

Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to approve the following cases:

45-AUG18-Alan Sinn - A request for a Special Use Permit to operate storage buildings at 653 Carlyle Avenue ( Parcel Number: 08-23. 0- 305- 020) located in a " C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162. 515) Ward 7 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL

46-AUG18-Alan Sinn - A request for a Special Use Permit to construct buildings larger than 150 square feet with metal exteriors at 653 Carlyle Avenue ( Parcel Number: 08-23. 0- 305- 020) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 7 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL

47-AUG18-Alan Sinn - A request for an Area/ Bulk Variance to construct fencing more than 6 feet in height at 653 Carlyle Avenue ( Parcel Number: 08-23. 0- 305- 020) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.392, 162.570) Ward 7 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL

48-AUG18-Adrenaline Prints LLC - A request for a Sign Installation Permit in the Area of Special Control for signage at 126 East Main Street ( Parcel Number: 08- 22.0- 338- 049) located in a " C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 155. 052, 155.053) Ward 6 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL with the stipulation the sign on the awning be no larger than 6ft x aft

49-AUG18-Daniel and Robbie Fogarty-Hayden - A request for a Special Use Permit for a liquor license at 223 East Main Street (The Wine Tap) ( Parcel Numbers: 08- 22.0- 334-033, 08- 22.0- 334-034) located in a" C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 2. Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL in the name ofthe applicant only

51- AUG18-Salinas Property Management Inc - A request for an amendment to a Planned Unit Development ( Ordinance Number 6633) to permit the construction of a single-family residence at 3424/ 3428 Berwin Green Drive and 3432 Berwin Green Drive / 2080 Wexford Green Way Parcel Numbers: 08- 26.0- 212- 081, 08-26.0- 212- 082, 08- 26.0-212- 090, 08-26.0-212-089) Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.050) Ward 7 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL

52-AUG18-Lincoln Theatre Inc. - A request for a Special Use Permit for a liquor license at 103 East Main Street ( Lincoln Theatre) ( Parcel Number: 08- 22.0- 333- 036) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 2 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL in the name ofthe applicant only

53-AUG18-Wortman Stores - A request for an Area/ Bulk Variance to construct a sign larger than the allowed maximum dimensions at 9434 South DeMazenod Drive ( Parcel Number: 07- 03. 0- 300-008) located in a " C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 155. 004, 155. 028, 162.570) Ward 8 Zoning Board unanimously recommended APPROVAL

All members voted aye.

Alderman Gaa made a motion to amend approval seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl to allow vinyl graphic on window 50-AUG18-Keller Trucking On The Road, LLC - A request for a Sign Installation Permit in the Area ofSpecial Control for signage at 6 - 8 South Church Street( Parcel Number: 08- 22.0- 340-002) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 155.052, 155. 053) Ward 6 Zoning Board unanimously recommended DENIAL

Members voting aye on roll call: Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel, Kinsella. ( 16)

Alderman Gaa made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl to refer remainder of item to zoning board of appeal for amendment of application 50-AUG18-Keller Trucking On The Road, LLC - A request for a Sign Installation Permit in the Area of Special Control for signage at 6 - 8 South Church Street ( Parcel Number: 08- 22.0- 340-002) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 155.052, 155. 053) Ward 6 Zoning Board unanimously recommended DENIAL

All members voted aye.

                          Economic Development & Annexation Committee

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to table Petition for Annexation of 510 Schlueter Germaine Road( Parcel Nos. 13- 10.0-200- 024, 13- 10. 0- 200-027).

All members voted aye.


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel to approve a License Agreement for Temporary Use of Facilities with The American National Red Cross for the property at 2 Elm Drive, Belleville, Illinois.

Members voting aye on roll call: Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel, Kinsella. ( 16)

Alderman Dintelman made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to amend the Communications Facility Agreement with Vertical Bridge, NTCF, LLC, regarding the tower at 111 South 6th Street, Belleville, Illinois.

Members voting aye on roll call: Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa. ( 16)


Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Tyler to approve the below communications:

      o Request from Cathedral of Saint Peter to host their Annual Food Truck Fest, Saturday, September 29, 2018, 4: 00pm to 9: 00pm. Street closure request West Harrison Street from South 1 st Street to South 2nd Street and South 1 st Street from West Lincoln Street to West Harrison Street, 10: 00am to 10: 00pm. Additional request of barricades, picnic tables, trash barrels and placement of yard banners.

      o Request from Belleville Parks & Recreation Department to host Tour de Belleville, Friday, July 12, 2019, 8: 00pm to 11: 30pm. Street closure request intersection of East "B" Street and North Douglas, one block north, south, each and west from intersection, 7: 45pm to 8: 45pm. All other street closures are rolling along bike route. Additional request of barricades, " no parking" signs, trash toters, picnic tables, banquet tables, personnel and banners to be placed across East and West Main Street one( 1) month in advance.

      o Request from McIlravy' s Irish Pub, 3001 West Main Street to host their Grand Opening Party on Saturday, October 6, 2018 during regular business hours of 11: 00am to 2: 00am. Music located inside and liquor will not be allowed outside after 10:00pm per liquor license. Request to use the " Loading Zone" designated parking for customer parking for this event only.

      o Request from Blessed Sacrament School & Parish to hang banners on the 4 street light poles directly in front of school and church.

      o Request from Oktoberfest Committee to amend their original request approved on March 5, 2018. Tent company is setting up a 400ft tent on West Main and are requesting to close West Main Street west of 159 to east of 2nd Street and the first block ofNorth First Street beginning at 10: 00am on Thursday, September 20, 2018 instead of the original approval of 12: 00pm.

All members voted aye.






Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to read by Title Only and as a group Ordinances 8239-2018, 8240-2018, 8241- 2018, 8242, 8243- 2018, 8244- 2018, 8245- 2018 and 8246-2018.

All members voted aye.

Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to approve the following Ordinances:

      o ORDINANCE 8239-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 45- AUG18-Alan Sinn.

      o ORDINANCE 8240-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 46-AUG18-Alan Sinn.

      o ORDINANCE 8241- 2018 -A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 47-AUG18-Alan Sinn.

      o ORDINANCE 8242- 2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 48-AUG18-Adrenaline Prints LLC

      o ORDINANCE 8243-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 49-AUG18- Daniel and Robbie Fogarty-Hayden

      o ORDINANCE 8244-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 5 1- AUG1 8- Salinas Property Management Inc

      o ORDINANCE 8245-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 52-AUG18-Lincoln Theatre Inc.

      o ORDINANCE 8246-2018 - A ZONING ORDINANCE In Re: 53- AUG18-Wortman Stores

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner. ( 16)

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to table ORDINANCE 8247 2018 - An Ordinance annexing certain territory owned by Carol J. Brauer, Keith A. Brauer, Craig D. Brauer, and Donna J. Wendel to the City of Belleville, Illinois.

All members voted aye.

                                       Unfinished Business

Alderman Ovian stated salon and physical therapists do not pay sales tax unless they sell retail over the counter. There is not revenue for the city. The city will be running out of money before April 30, 2019 and would like to see a change to have a city business license.

                               Miscellaneous & New Business

Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderman Gaa to approve Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of$47,866.47.

Members voting aye on roll call: Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Schaefer, Dintelman, Gaa, Stiehl, Weygandt, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle. ( 16)

                                      Executive Session



Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Pusa to adjourn at 7:40 pm.

All members voted aye.




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