City of Belleville Finance Committee met May 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
In Attendance:
(A) Finance Committee Members
Bryan Whitaker, Alderman
Scott Ferguson, Alderman
Raffi Ovian, Alderman
Chris Rothweiler, Alderman
Phil Elmore, Alderman
Nora Sullivan, Alderman
(B) Guests
(C) Staff
Jamie Maitret, Finance Director
Sarah Biermann, Treasurer
Chairman Whitaker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Alderman Eros and Alderman Schaefer were excused. All other committee members were present.
Chairman Whitaker opened public participation. There was no public participation. Public participation was closed.
Chairman Whitaker asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 11, 2022 meeting.
Alderman Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes from April 11, 2022. Alderman Rothweiler seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.
Disposal of 16 old iPads
Jamie Maitret explained that since the elected officials have received new iPads recently, we have 16 old iPads that are no longer needed. They are quite outdated, but Scott Markovich said we could possibly see if any local schools want them and donate the iPads to them, or we could turn them in for a credit on our phone bill of $400 total.
Alderman Ferguson made a motion to approve disposal of 16 old iPads no longer in use, preferably to a school or non-profit that can use them. Alderman Elmore seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Ferguson, Ovian, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.
Closing Historic Preservation Commission and Underground Storage Tank savings accounts Jamie Maitret explained that the HPC reached out to her and wish to close their savings account and donate the funds to the Parks & Recreation fund for future use. She also explained that since our underground fuel storage tanks were removed and remediated recently, it is no longer required by the State Fire Marshall for us to maintain this separate savings account. The funds will be transferred back into the Tort Liability account where they originally came from.
Alderman Ferguson made a motion to approve closing the Historic Preservation Commission savings account and the Underground Storage Tank (UST) savings account. Alderman Rothweiler seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Ferguson, Ovian, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.
FY2023 Budget Amendment
Jamie Maitret explained the budget amendment presented in the packet is for an encumbrance for a piece of equipment that we originally thought would be paid for before the end of the last fiscal year, and therefore not included in the new budget, but we just received the equipment and invoice this month. This amendment carries the budget funds forward to pay.
Alderman Elmore made a motion to approve the FY2023 budget amendment, as recommended by the Finance Director. Alderman Ferguson seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Ferguson, Ovian, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.
There are no revenue source reports tonight, as the computer system is still down so the reports were not able to be completed yet.
Motion to Adjourn
Alderman Elmore made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 pm. Alderman Rothweiler seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.