City of Belleville Cemetery Board met July 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Emergency Evacuation Instructions
3. Roll Call of Board Members:
Ralph Schlesinger
Erin Conner
Neil MacEwen
4. Roll Call of Staff:
Jason Poole, Director of Public Works
Craig Maue, Asst. Director of Public Works
Sarah Biermann, Treasurer
Paula Dahlem, Cemetery Clerk
5. Introduction of Guests
Bryan Schultz, Zemenick & Walker
6. Public Participation
7. Communication – None
8. Approval of April 19, 2022, Minutes
9. Quarterly Investment Report – Zemenick & Walker
10. Cemetery Director’s Report – Jason Poole
11. Cemetery Board Chairman’s Report – Ralph Schlessinger
12. Cemetery Clerk’s Report
a. Report on burials, sales, income and expenses
13. New Business - None
14. Unfinished Business
15. Miscellaneous Business
a. Cemetery Brochure
b. Optimist Club Presentation / Erin Conner
16. Adjournment