
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met April 11

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met April 11

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Alderwoman Janet Stack

Alderman Chris Farrar

Member Excused: Alderwoman Jennifer Warren

Other Present:      James Whiteford, Fire Chief

Mike Fillback, Director of Police

Cathy Hensley, Communication Coordinator

Chuck Bollinger, Edwardsville Intelligencer

The Edwardsville Public Safety Committee meeting was called to order by Alderwoman Janet Stack at 5:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room, 118 Hillsboro Avenue with a quorum present: Alderwoman Janet Stack, via Zoom and Alderman Chris Farrar. Alderwoman Jennifer Warren was excused. 

Motion by Alderman Farrar, second by Alderwoman Stack to allow Alderwoman Stack to participate remotely. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye. 

Public Comment: N/A 

Approval of Minutes: 

  • Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar to approve minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held Tuesday, March 28,          2023. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye. 

Police Department:

Action Item(s):

  • Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Apply for the Illinois Department of Human Services Tobacco Enforcement Grant FY-2024 Grant and Approving the Mayor to Enter into the Award Agreement Chief Fillback explained this resolution allows the Police Department to apply for the grant and allows the Mayor to accept the grant if it is awarded.

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar for an Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Apply for the Illinois Department of Human Services Tobacco Enforcement Grant FY-2024 Grant and Approving the Mayor to Enter into the Award Agreement. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye.

Fire Department: 

Action Item(s): 

  • Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Emergency Medical Services Mutual Aid Agreement with RuralMed, LLC 

Chief Whiteford explained this resolution authorizes the Mayor to sign a mutual aid agreement for EMS Services with RuralMed, LLC, a new ambulance company that is moving into our area and will be servicing Mitchell and Long Lake Fire districts. 

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar for an approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Emergency Medical Services Mutual Aid Agreement with RuralMed, LLC. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye. 

  • Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of One (1) 2003 Ford Econoline Ambulance as a Surplus Property

    Chief Whiteford explained that the ambulance has been replaced with an upgraded ambulance in the fleet, and that due to engine problems and corrosion problems it is not worth being repaired and should be sold at auction. 

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar for an Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of One (1) 2003 Ford Econoline Ambulance as a Surplus Property. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye. 

Old Business: 

New Business: 

Discussion Item(s): 

  • Safety concerns at the intersection of East Vandalia Street, Hillsboro Avenue and Halleck Avenue 

Alderman Farrar discussed concerns regarding the general safety of this intersection. Police Chief Fillback provided a review of the accidents that have been recorded at and around that intersection. 

  • Review of pedestrian accidents

Police Chief Fillback presented an overview of the vehicle accidents involving a pedestrian within the City, which have occurred over the past several years. 

The next regular scheduled meeting of the Public Safety Committee is Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. 

Motion to adjourn by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar. With no further business at hand the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Motion carried, Stack and Farrar voted aye. 
