City of Edwardsville Campus to Community Committee met April 11
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Call to Order: 5:02 p.m.
Present: Chairman Chad Verbais, Kelly Obernuefemann, Joel Hardman, Karen Kaufman, Barrett Larkin, Liz Delaney, Paul Pitts and Lauren Harris
Also Present: James Arnold and Desiree Gerber
Absent: Lori Huntley and Earleen Patterson
Citizens wishing to address the Group: None.
Review March Minutes: Paul Pitts made a motion to approve the March minutes and Karen Kaufman seconded the motion. All were in favor of approving the minutes.
Financial Report: Karen reported that there is $3,262.30 remaining in the account after the following expenditures in March: flyers from Office Max/Depot in the amount of $55.58 and signs in the amount of $328.32, music for the Wheels & Walk Festival in the amount of $200, and yard stakes from Amazon in the amount of $48.01, and the following expenditures in April from Vernon Graphics: shopping totes in the amounts of $2,460, measuring cups in the amount of $695.13, and sticky notebooks in the amount of $1,224.08. The postcard will come out of next year's budget.
Edwardsville Art Fair Banner Contest: Chad reported that EAC is going to make flyers to hand out on campus.
Wildey promotion: This promotion is going well. Students are utilizing the promotion
SIUE/City postcard mailing: Chad stated the postcard is now with the designer. They liked the photos, but wanted people in the photos. The designers went back and found photos. The postcard is scheduled to be printed in late June or early July. Paul pointed out that the photos with people should be diverse, and Chad said that he was clear on that with the designers.
Video: Chad spoke with the videographer, Brandon. He is working on getting some footage with the Chancellor and splicing the two videos together, which is a long process. Some parts of the tour video need to be cut out.
SIUE Counselor Fly-in: Chad stated that the SIUE Counselor Fly-in which SIUE Admissions hosted counselors from high schools in Illinois and surrounding states at the Wildey Theatre was a success. SIUE said it was the counselors' favorite part of the tour.
New Student Orientation at SIUE: Chad will get the dates to the committee. He knows that they will be Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays throughout June. We will have a table for the City at the department fair
Wheels & Walk: The forecast for Saturday is not looking good. There was discussion about when to make a call regarding weather. Desiree reported that the other concern is that only 44 are registered. We had around 150 registered last year with 115 showing up at the event. James was concerned about the businesses calling in extra staff for the event. LCCC has been sharing on social media and Liz reported that SIUE student government was doing a cash incentive for the largest group. The City has pushed out on social media numerous times. Lauren reported that that day was very busy with other events, and James brought up that we have known the date since December. The question was asked will our event every take precedent over other events that pop up.
The committee decided to do a final push and if we do not have at least 75 registered with a chance of rain less than 50 percent by Thursday at 4 p.m. to postpone until sometime in September. Lauren also suggested not doing the event on a Saturday. If doing it in September then a week night may work out to attract more students.
The committee then went on to assign volunteers to the three locations: setup at SIUE, Nelson Complex and Ironworks. Liz had SIUE and Ironworks covered with student volunteers during the entire event, and Kelly has the Nelson Complex covered. Desiree will distribute signs after the meeting for parking and directions along the trail. Matt will play from noon to 2 p.m. and can play in Global Brew if it starts to rain.
Karen, Chad and Liz will be at SIUE around 9:45 a.m., and Joel and Desiree will be at Ironworks at 10 a.m. to set up. Paul will go to Ironworks around 11 a.m. A couple student floaters will be at the junction to direct participants to the correct directions. Lauren and Barret will not be there due to other SIUE events. James will be at Ironworks after the soccer game he is coaching. Joel will pick up the tables at 3 p.m. at City Hall on Friday: 2 tables for Ironworks and 3 tables for SIUE. Kelly will have boxes at Nelson, Desire will have boxes at Ironworks, and Liz will have large cans at SIUE.
The Mayor is out of town, so he will not be there. Desiree has not heard from Dr. Minor or Dr. Trzaska whether they will be there or not.
The committee discussed if the Wheels and Walk Festival is postponed, then a Thursday in September seemed to be a good day. Time was discussed with 4:30 7:30 p.m. or maybe 5 8 p.m. We are keeping September 14 in mind.
Other Business: Chad mentioned the Goshen Market and asked if Karen would coordinate that again. Karen reported that it is being taken care of by Dr. Waple and that Dr. Minor wants SIUE to have a larger presence at the Goshen Market.
Rotary Student of the Month: Liz reported that they are finished.
New ideas for Community Traditions, Bring Campus into the Edwardsville Community Ideas, and Bring Edwardsville Community to Campus Ideas: Nothing was discussed.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room at City Hall. Chad reported that the June meeting will be canceled.
Adjournment: Joel made a motion to adjourn, Liz seconded the motion and all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:07 p.m.