
Metro East Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met Aug. 30

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met Aug. 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT:                EXCUSED:

Will Krause

Elizabeth Grant

Jack Burns

Steve Stricklan 

Chuck Bollinger

Eric Williams 

Claire lott

Cathy Hensley

Kevin Head

Nate Tingley

SJ Morrison

Jennifer Warren

Jeanne Wojcieszak

John Falcone

Jeff Berkbigler

Richard Tallerico

Stephanie Malench

Sarah Cundiff

Matt Cundiff 

Michale Katich

Julie Zimmerman

Desiree Bennyhoff

Mike Weber


1. Approval of minutes from the August 10, 2023 ACS meeting - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

2. Correspondence & Announcements:

A. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Special Use Permit for 6 Sugar Hill Court 

B. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 6 Sugar Hill Court

C. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 415 West Union Street

D. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 824 St. Louis Street 

3. Council Matters



1) Ordinance amending Chapter 106 (Taxation) Section 106-326 of the Codified Ordinances of Edwardsville, Illinois (Municipal Hotel/Motel Tax) - First Reading. Jeanne Wojcieszak provided information on this ordinance. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

2) Approval of the RAISE Board Items from August 1, 2023

a. SIUE Cougarfest Block Party/Homecoming Parade

b. Edwardsville Que and Brew

c. Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade

d. Ziena Boutique Mistletoe Market

Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council 

3) A Parade Resolution Approving IDOT Temporary Closure of Highways for Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade on October 31, 2023. The theme is Great American Roadtrips. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Burns) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

4) A Resolution Authorizing the Application for 2023 OSLAD Grant Funds. - Nate Tingley gave an explanation. SJ Morrison spoke about the ground including bluff and bottoms near mounds and how it is a unique site for archeological reasons and to leave the site undisturbed. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Burns) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

5) A Resolution Authorizing a Special Use Permit for Two Freestanding Solar Energy System at 6 Sugar Hill Court. - Steve Stricklan gave information. Mary Westerhold opposes and would like the panels to be located in the backyard. Mike Weber spoke and said the panels will face away from the neighbors and will be screened. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

6) Approval of an Ordinance amending Home Rule Sales Tax - First Reading. - SJ Morrison spoke about how the sales tax is preferable to property tax increase. Revenue would go towards pensions, green space, support parks and capital improvements. He said that Edwardsville's tax rate is in the middle when compared to peer cities. Stephanie Malench said this is an excellent idea and is in support of it. Michael Katich said that he is in favor to help parks and greenspace. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Burns) and voted all ayes to forward to Council


1) A Resolution authorizing a Sign Variance for 6151 Trace Parkway Drive

a. A Variance for a frontage transfer from the building's east side to the south side 

b. A Variance for a projecting sign to extend more than three (3) feet above the roofline

c. A Variance for a projecting sign to be closer than eight (8) feet to the ground or pavement

Steve Stricklan provided information. Munsok So presented the business perspective. Motion to remove from table (Burns), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to remove. Item A, Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all nays to forawad to Council. Item B, Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all nays to forward to Council. Item C, Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all nays to forward to Council

2) Resolution establishing the Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Forgivable Loan Program. - Will Krause and Jack Burns gave a description of updates from previous proposal. John Falcone asked if it is eligible for DIY. - Motion to remove from table (Krause), seconded (Burns) and voted all ayes to remove. Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council

4. Boards & Commissions:

A. Plan Commission June 21, 2023

B. Zoning Board of Appeals - July 24, 2023

C. Human Relations Committee

D. Historic Preservation Committee - July 12, 2023

E. Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

F. Recreation, Arts and Special Events Board

G. Edwardsville Beautification and Tree Commission

H. Library Board

I. Band Board

J. Cool Cities - July 20, 2023

5. Old Business: None

6. New Business: None

7. Next ACS Meeting: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers, 118 Hillsboro Ave.

8. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn (Grant)
