
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met Feb. 29

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Chris Farrar, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

Chris Farrar, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met Feb. 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Elizabeth Grant     Jeanne Wojcieszak 

Andrea Miracle      Cathy Hensley 

Will Krause            John Falcone

Kevin Head            Billy Woods 

Jeff Berkbigler        Erin Kennedy 

Eric Williams          Beth Browne 

James Arnold         Andrew Butts 

Steve Stricklan 


1. Approval of minutes from the February 15, 2024 ACS meeting - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council 

2. Correspondence & Announcements: 

A. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Special Use Permit for 6707 Goshen Road 

B. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 209 East Schwarz Street 

C. Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 448 Buena Vista Street 

3. Council Matters 


1) An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 5029-8-97 to add territory in Edwardsville, Pontoon Beach, and Unincorporated Madison County to the Gateway Commerce Center Enterprise Center - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Miracle) and voted all ayes to forward to Council 


1) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 122, Section 56 Establishing Regulations Governing the Registration, Maintenance, and Monitoring of Pollinator Garden (First Reading) - Jeff Berkbigler presented information. Will Krause discussed the setbacks and process of reviewing pollinator gardens - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council 

2) A Resolution Approving a Special Use Permit for a Drive Through Facility at 6707 Goshen. Road Committee discussed a site plan change to move the exit into Target Drive and provide traffic counts. Erin Kennedy presented and Daman Patel spoke on the phone. More information on land use is needed as well. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) - Motion to hold (Krause), seconded (Miracle) and voted all ayes to hold 

3) Resolution Authorizing a Lease Agreement with the Edwardsville Arts Center - James Arnold presented information. Jeff Berkbigler presented information. Beth Browne spoke for the Arts Center and gave information on the operations. Andrew Butts spoke. - Motion to approve (Grant), seconded (Krause) and voted all ayes to forward to Council 


4. Boards & Commissions: 

A. Plan Commission 

B. Zoning Board of Appeals - December 20, 2023 

C. Human Relations Committee 

D. Historic Preservation Committee 

E. Edwardsville Environmental Commission - January 10, 2024 

F. Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee 

G. Recreation, Arts and Special Events Board 

H. Library Board 

I. Band Board 

5. Old Business: None 

6. New Business: The Wildey Fashion Show and Artini at the Ink House are both upcoming events that were discussed 

7. Next ACS Meeting: Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers, 118 Hillsboro Ave. 

8. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn (Grant), seconded (Miracle) 
