
Metro East Sun

Monday, September 16, 2024

City of Belleville City Council met Aug. 5

Webp 6

Belleville City Clerk Jennifer Gain Meyer | City of Belleville Website

Belleville City Clerk Jennifer Gain Meyer | City of Belleville Website

City of Belleville City Council met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Gregory called this meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll. Members present on roll call: Alderperson Whitaker, Alderperson Schneider, Alderperson Duco, Alderperson Eros, Alderperson Randle, Alderperson Ferguson, Alderperson Anthony, Alderperson Ovian, Alderperson Dintelman, Alderperson Schaefer, Alderperson Stiehl, Alderperson Rothweiler, Alderperson Elmore, Alderperson Sullivan, Alderperson Osthoff. 

Excused: Alderperson Weygandt 


City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll of Department Heads: City Treasurer, Sarah Biermann; City Attorney Hoerner; Police Chief, Matt Eiskant; Deputy Fire Chief, Curt Lougeay; Finance Director, Jamie Maitret; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Asst. Director of Wastewater, Jay Godt; Library Director, Leander Spearman; Asst. IT Specialist, Lee Strong; City Engineer, Scott Saeger; Director of Health, Housing & Building, Scott Tyler; Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross; Director of Human Resources, William Clay; Director of Maintenance, Mike Schaefer. 

Excused: Fire Chief, Stephanie Mills; Director of Wastewater, Randy Smith; Director of IT, Ty Buckner 





Rick Brown: 624 South Pennsylvania. I only heard from one of ya last time I was here to even ask any questions, about the racism that goes on in this City and has gone on for going into its third century. 1814 to now it still goes on, it is amazing that nobody else even contacted me, they don't want to see anything, they don't want to see the evidence. But I will tell you, you are not getting a whole lot of business here in Belleville. Businesses, like residents, look a place over before they move here or they buy here, this is why our population is going down. Like I told my grandkids, don't do anything on the internet that you would not want to see forever. That is what you see here, forever. 60 Minutes, 1993, the gate, all the things that you did to your residents, stealing their homes, you stole them with a Zoning Ordinance. It is absolutely amazing that nobody even has any regrets, the past three administrations from Kern to Eckert, to now. Discrimination on the scale that I have never seen before and I have lived in some horrific places, like Montgomery Alabama in the mid 60's, yeah, I was there, I saw all of that and I tell you what, I never seen a City Council of a City do the stuff that you do to African Americans and just keep getting away with it, you get away with it. This is the face of the Democratic Party.

Stewart Lannert: 718 South 29th Street. Well anybody, by now, that doesn't know that the Democratic Party is totally racist must be living in a cave somewhere, but that is, I just got a thing here Pennsylvania extreme poor performance all Law Enforcement involved, I wonder if a person convicted of two counts of terrorism and $1 million dollar bond should be on a terrorist watch list as I heard on radio sixty-five people on terrorist list are in this country and here illegally. Supposedly, if I am not on a terrorist watch list I wonder why and how come, I think when you are a terrorist like I am when you got to pay a million dollars bond and thirty-three days in the County Jail cause I couldn't come up with the $100,000 bail and my girlfriend had to hobble down to my house for thirty-three days to take care of my pets, she had a stroke about three years ago and it was real difficult but she is just one of those types of persons and I just think somebody, this is just the way it is in Belleville. 

Alderperson Ovian: Mr. Brown is incorrect about regarding that gate. That gate belonged to and was funded by citizens that live in Signal Hill. Signal Hill at the time was part of several Townships and we took the heat for it, we should have sued 60 Minutes, and we didn't. It is not the citizens of Belleville, it is Signal Hill. 

Joy Schreiber: 27 South 10th Street. The deal with Synergy Sports, I am not against a complex like that, but I am very much against a complex like that without citizen input. And I am also very much against the way it was discussed at the May 8th committee meeting Cross had made the comment that we have to do this sooner not later or we are going to miss the ball. That is a huge red flag. Don't hurry with anything like that. If the developers are so sure-fire convinced that this is viable, it's for here, let them build, let them buy land but I don't think it should be brought for a partnership with the City if the citizens are not allowed to be involved in the process. I tried doing research on Synergy Sports and you get on their website, and you can find renderings, but you can't find a single project that has come to completion. That is disturbing to me because if their reference that they know that there have been three dozen, where are they? Why are they not boasting about them on their website, why can I not find this? I did find Kamah Texas, if I am pronouncing that right, was a place that was currently looking at also doing this and from March 21, 2024 article they reference residence survey, residence feedback, and that is transparency. That is how a body of Elected Officials respect and represent their citizens. Again, I am not against the project but, it looks to me if it is going to require a lot of acreage, the City doesn't already own a big patch of acreage so if we are going to have to go out and purchase acreage, annex it in, that is a whole lot of cost for the taxpayers. An alternative could be let's give some grants, we have two YMCAs and a Sportsplex on Mascoutah Avenue, lot less money spent giving grants to children that need it. I guess that is all on that, I have two pages of what I would like to say but I think that you can see that I would rather speak from my heart. I very much hope that this Council will not move forward with any project like that, on that level, without citizen input. Other than that, I wish we had the pews back because these chairs are horrible. One other thing that I wanted to mention, like talking about TIFS, Bellevue Park Plaza area, wanting a new anchor store. If we don't increase the number of residents, we don't have more money to spend, we are just going to shift from shopping here to shopping there, there will be no increased Sales Tax because there are not more people with more money, so just keep that in mind as well. 

Jim LaBlance: 1300 East Belle Avenue. Right across the street from the 2.1-million-gallon sewage tank that was installed about five years ago. Since that tank was installed and the force mains were pumping sewage in from other neighborhoods to prevent flooding in other neighborhoods, we have had increased flooding back in the cul-de-sac that I live on. I have lived there for twenty-nine years up until the time the tank was put in, I never had water in my front yard. Since the tank was put in about five years ago, I have had numerous occasions where the water has come up in my yard and it is like a river running across the street and down through the side properties that I own. This past July 16th with the rains the water in the front yard and over the street got over five feet deep and came in and flooded the first floor of my house as well as a couple of other neighbors that live there on the cul-de-sac. We are not in a flood plain so none of us have insurance for flooding but all of us have had quite a bit of damage. Just wanted to come and see if there were any plans by the City on how to deal with this, there is another project that is getting ready to start off that is going to bring another six foot diameter storm sewer down the street and dump five feet from the edge of my property without any other way for storm water to get out. I anticipate that the flooding is going to continue to get worse and that there is going to be regular flooding back there in the cul-de-sac. 

Mayor Gregory: Sir, have you talked, have you gone to the website about FEMA. 

Jim LaBlance: I have. 

Mayor Gregory: Okay, because the FEMA people, Bran Whitaker our Alderman is actually in charge and working with the FEMA people, so you might want to discuss maybe what your next step should be. 

Jim LaBlance: I have put in an application with that for the flooding, but like I said, I think this is going to be an ongoing problem. It doesn't take a whole lot of rain right now to see problems in the yard. The only reason why FEMA is here right now is because there was a little bit more widespread problems than just my yard. Further down the road, when nobody else is getting flooded but I am still getting flooded, FEMA won't be here. 


Mayor Gregory recognized the character word of the month "Caring" meaning being compassionate and showing others you care. 

Alderperson Rothweiler made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the appointment of Tristen Gary to serve a 1-year term on the Historic Preservation Commission. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the City Council Meeting and Executive Session Minutes of July 15, 2024. 

All members voted aye. 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Whitaker made a motion second by Alderperson Schneider to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of $2,069,489.50 and payroll in the amount of $1,063,145.72. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff. (15) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Rothweiler made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve Treasurer Report - June 2024 and a motion to approve Statement of Cash and Investments Report - June 2024 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 



Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Dintelman to waive the formal bidding procedure to purchase a 2024 F-350 Service Body truck from Broadway Ford, in the amount of $80,750.00, matching the IDOT contract price (Parks Department) (TIF 3) 

Members voting aye on roll call: Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker. (15) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Anthony to approve hiring John Ortiz and Garrett Headen as Probationary Police Officers effective Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 12:01 am 

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider. (15) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl authorizing the sale/conversion of 2006 International 4000 Series 4300 Bucket Truck (VIN: 1HTMMAAN96H315043) (Street Department). 

Members voting aye on roll call: Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco. (15) 

Motion carries. 

Alderperson Elmore made a motion to approve an Infill Development Program Development Agreement with C.A. Jones for the property commonly known as 411 Lebanon Avenue (Parcel # 08-22.0-101-022) with a slight amendment. I love the infill project, it has already proven to be a huge success, it is fantastic. I have seen a couple of them in my area. If you go to page 146, you will see the incentives which are quite reasonable, I just have a bit of an issue with one of them. First off, the first one is the City Tax Abatement for five years, I have no problem with that, we weren't getting hardly any tax money out of these to begin with. Number three, the Zoning exemption pertaining to minimum lot size being 7,500 square feet, again no problem. Number two is, I want to read this out loud, so everyone sees it, in case you did not see it in your packet. The permit fee waivers include building, sewer, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, etc. Etcetera is kind of a problem for me but, I will move on from that. The fees being waived that we rarely waive, we didn't waive something last month, we have been asked before to waive them and historically have denied waiving fees. I just don't see that it would be a big deal, if you add up all these fees and I don't know exactly, this is not big money, this is a slight adjustment that I think the builder, whether it is CA Jones or whoever and CA Jones seems to be doing a fantastic job. They are getting the property for $1, they have the potential to make a reasonable profit and the City Tax Abatement but, the permit fees is something we are spending money on to send out for these inspections, that is my amendment is that number two be omitted starting with this and moving into the future if we have to do it each time but, I would like to see the Permit Fee Waivers the waiving of them omitted. That is my amendment. Second by Alderperson Eros. 

Alderperson Whitaker: Can Director Cross advise, have we had this same incentive package in all of our incentives. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: So yes, we did in the prior ones that came before you. The reason that we kept it in is because it is written in that section of the code that those are possible incentives that we could provide actually, I am not for or against the waiver of the fees, I would just like to have the direction on how we present it to you in the future and if I am hearing that the fees do not need to be in there, we will not include them. We just want to make sure that we are consistent in the future and follow the direction of the Council as we move forward. But if you do look, I believe it is 164 that talks about your Infill Program. It does have those four or five conditions in there that we can do. One of them, for example, is the exception to Zoning in terms of lot sizes and things like that. One of them is the property tax abatement for the City's portion there is also some verbiage in there I would suspect that would never be used where it talks complete abatement of property taxes as long as you coordinate with the other property taxing bodies, such as the County and SWIC and School Districts, that really I believe was written in there under the assumption that you may have these in a residential TIF in the future maybe or a TIF District where those are automatically exempt. Those are the reasons that those three were put in because those are the three that are under our control to present to you as part of the package. 

Alderperson Elmore: I agree with you on the consistency issue, that is paramount, that is fantastic and yes, this was in there on the previous two, three? 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: I think there were five or six we ended up doing, we did Queensway 

City Clerk Gain Meyer: There are six. We have done at least six of them. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: After that, it's been you know what I got especially from the last meeting that Commercial Fee Waivers especially when it pertains to the facilities and things like that are untouchable. But I have never got anything formal of how we address it as part of the Infill Program. So, we were just following that section and if this is an amendment that you want to do and we make it that we bring it back in the future, without that in there, we can do that, we just want to make sure we are consistent how we bring it forward from here on out. 

Alderperson Dintelman: I think we would be doing a favor to the whole town if we do pick up those fees like number two here on the incentives. We kind of need that, I think we are going to be sold outside here to start paying bills and looking for this and looking for that. I am just saying that everyone will be wanting not to do that, not to have to pay those fees. The ones that we made that deal with, you made the deal, and we agreed to it and everything, we need to stop that leaving it after them, we shouldn't Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: And that's, and just to kind of give you where we are going with the Infill Program, if you remember, this was originally done a couple of years back, we actually did two RFQs we did them as Request for Qualifications, because we were hoping to get a list of developers that we could put on a rotating cycle and then they could come in and in a sense on these City lots get their pick of the liter without us having to go through an individual Request for Proposal for each individual lot. Where I am going with that is it is time, we are getting ready to repost another RFQ, now that we are getting some success here with the hope of bringing in some other developers as well. If we are going to do it, now is the time to hit the resent button on how we are moving forward from here on out. 

Alderperson Stiehl: Do we need that incentive for future infill? 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: I don't think it is a killer, most of the fees, I will be very honest, most of them to Alderman Elmore's point, most of them are associated with the actual permits there are the ones for the connection fees, but I think to his point what he is indicating is we still perform a service so we are not only waiving that fee for the admin staff, but we are still sending an inspector out to do an inspection free of charge and that is usually not a big deal unless you get developers that then in a sense are not up to par then you are making two and three trips out and that can add up. Yeah, I mean, the short answer is I don't think it is a killer either way. It is just what was written into that, and that is why we incorporated it. 

Alderperson Schneider: So, if we are voting yes, we are voting to the amendment that there aren't going, we are not going to waive the fees, so we vote yes, that is how we would vote yes to the amendment, right? 

Mayor Gregory: And I do believe the one we are talking about tonight will be the tenth one that they are starting? 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: Well technically, there are two actions tonight and they are with the same address, ironically the same address, but they are two legal parcels of record with two separate Tax ID numbers but they both fall under the 411 so obviously I think the second one will become 413 or whatever it is we will have to readdress it, but they meet, there are two larger lots that aren't just quite buildable per the Zoning Regulations, the A- 1 District requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet, these are actually 7,500 square feet, which in most communities, 7,500 square feet, 50 X 150 lot is traditionally a buildable lot. We are a little unique in that we do have a little bit larger minimum lot sizes in a Single-Family Residence District. So, we felt like it was close enough that they would not have any problems fitting into the neighborhood, cause most of those lots in that neighborhood are 7,500 square feet anyway, so it meets the prevailing pattern and it is not out of whack, is where I am going, so yeah, that is where we are with those and why we are asking for these two separate ones as we go forward. 

City Clerk Gain Meyer: An Aye vote is to approve it with the amendment to omit to no longer allow fee waivers, that section will be removed from the Infill Development Agreement before it is signed. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros. (14) 

Members voting nay on roll call: Ovian (1) 

Motion carries. 

Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl with the same amendment to approve an Infill Development Program Development Agreement with C.A. Jones for the property commonly known as 411 Lebanon Avenue (Parcel # 08-22.0-101-003) 

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle. (14) 

Members voting nay on roll call: Ovian (1) 

Motion carries. 


Paul J. Moleski / Eastview Baptist Church of Belleville: Motion to approve a site plan for the construction of an approximate 720 square foot building addition to the property commonly known as 211 Sherman Street (Parcels: 08-23.0-102-024/055/056). The lot is approximately 1.25 acres (54,500 square feet). The lot is located within the "A-2" Two Family Residence District. Ward 1. Planning Commission recommended Approval, with a vote of 5-0. 

Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Eros to approve the request. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 



Request from Belleville Sister Cities to rededicate Paderborn Square, Thursday, September 19, 2024, 7:30pm to 10:00pm. Additional City services: tents, trash toters, electric and benches. 


Request from St. Teresa Parish to host their annual Parish Picnic, Saturday, August 24, 2024, 4:00pm to 11:00pm. Additional City services: picnic tables, trash toters and Police Personnel 

RUMMAGEPALOOZA – 10/26/2024 

Request from Tapestry of Community Offerings (TOCO) to host RummagePalooza 2024, Saturday, October 26, 2024 (date change from October 19, 2024), 10:00am to 4:00pm 

Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the Communications as read. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 




Alderperson Stiehl made a motion second by Alderperson Eros to read Resolution 3516 by Title Only. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 


A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of the St. Clair County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 

Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve Resolution 3516 as read. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony. (15) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to read Ordinances 9303 by title only. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 

ORDINANCE 9303-2024 

An Ordinance Authorizing Sale/Conversion of Personal Property (2006 International Bucket Truck - Street Department) 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Ferguson to approve Ordinance 9303 as read. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian. (15) 

Motion carries. 




Alderperson Elmore made a motion second by Alderperson Rothweiler to pay the Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of $14,482.40. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman. (15) 

Motion carries. 

Mayor Gregory: Yes, Mr. Ovian? 

Alderperson Ovian: I would like to have 11-C(3), I voted yes, I miss calculated which one we were on, so I would like my vote to be changed to no. 

Mayor Gregory: On 11-C(3)? 

Alderperson Ovian: 11-C(3), 




Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Randle to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries.




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