Hal Patton, 2nd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
Hal Patton, 2nd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
City of Edwardsville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met Nov. 6
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was held at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois.
Present Absent
Aaron Newcom, Chair
Emily Morrison, Vice Chair
Danielle Adair, Secretary
Paul Brazier
Ashley Cox
Bryan Frost
Colin Gibbons
Evie Hemphill
Musonda Kapatamoyo
Jason Stacy
Breana Buncher, Staff
Cathy Hensley, Staff
Eric Williams, Staff
Ryan Zwijack, Staff
a) None.
III) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Morrison made a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting, seconded by Stacy. Motion passed unanimously.
a) Eric Williams and Ryan Zwijack discussed construction and pedestrian accessibility. BPAC brainstormed about how to better communicate road closures to all users. Discussion involved providing small signs with QR Code that are on a “sidewalk closed” sign that goes to the City website for detour information. Williams said that if there is not a “sidewalk closed” sign to email Eric Williams, Ryan Zwijack, and Denise Thibault to remedy the issue.
b) Welcome New Members, Evie Hemphill and Bryan Frost - Each member introduced themself and shared how long they’ve been on the committee.
c) Special Recognition - Jo Gibson- Morrison presented former Chair Jo Gibson with a plaque in appreciation for her service to the committee and City.
d) “Draft” Meeting in November- The next event is scheduled for 11/20 at Cleveland Heath. Evie Hemphill is the main speaker and will present information about B-Works with discussion to follow. Newcom and Cox plan to attend as the other BPAC representatives.
e) BPAC Goals- Buncher recommends a review of the goals to assess feasibility and interest. Following review, it would be important to attempt to spend the money budgeted for the goals. Committee will review and discuss at next month’s meeting.
f) Subgroups- The group agrees to form the following subgroups:
i. Policy & Infrastructure (Adair, Morrison, and Gibbons)
ii. Education & Safety (Brazier, Stacy, and Hemphill)
iii. Community Engagement (Cox, Frost, and Kapatamoyo)
a) Week Without Driving- The City received 10 survey responses (33% response rate). Newcom is considering how to present the feedback to the City.
b) Bicyclist Weekend- Hensley shared the slogan she developed: “Two Wheels, No Limits”. Stacy met with James Arnold, SJ Morrison, Cathy Hensley and Lindsey Laird (from Rivers & Routes). Stacy is working on creating recommended routes with themes: Family, Mountain Biking, Road Biking. City staff are working out the final details regarding scheduling and promoting. Hensley shared that working with Rivers & Routes is beneficial because they are able to promote events more freely than the City, due to their ability to promote specific businesses.
c) Bike Rodeo- Hemphill shared that discussions are happening regarding beginning an Earn a Bike program in Edwardsville/Madison County in 2025. Hemphill is working with MCT for assistance with the cost of the program ($3100 per 12-student session). Bike Rodeo could still be planned for younger children; Stacy recommends Summer 2025.
VI) INFORMATIONAL: Newcom drew members to the attention of the following items:
a) New Intelligencer feature:
b) America Walks MUTCD Webinar
VII) ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss, Stacy made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Cox.
Motion passed unanimously