
Metro East Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Edwardsville City Council met Nov. 19

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Chris Farrar, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

Chris Farrar, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

City of Edwardsville City Council met Nov. 19

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council took place at 7:01 p.m. at Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding. 

The Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present. 

Council members Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle answered present on roll call. 

Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting. 

Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths 

Mayor Risavy announced the Governor's Hometown Award for Excellence in Volunteerism. Canee Brown, Recreation Sports Supervisor came forward to present the award. On August 16, 2024, Canee represented the City of Edwardsville at the Governors Hometown Award Competition in Springfield, IL. Out of thirty-eight towns in Illinois, Edwardsville was named one of the top four finalists. The Mayor along with a group from the city, presented a 45- minute presentation to the panel on how the City and Challenger baseball have come together to make a positive impact in our community. The City of Edwardsville and Challenger Baseball have been partners for eighteen years. In 2020, the program moved to Plummer Park on a specialized turf field. 

Paul Bird and Buck Smith have played an enormous role in moving the Challenger Baseball program forward. The light they brought to inclusive sports and volunteering will forever be a part of our history. Canee invited Paul Bird forward to say a few words. Mr. Bird thanked the city and the mayor. The program has around 100 players. Mr. Bird thanked Tim Funkhouser, high school baseball coach for his commitment to help with the high school team. The program also includes a league in Bond County! 

Canee presented the Mayor with the Governor's Cup. What an honor for our city. The Mayor thanked Canee Brown for all of the hard work involved! 

Mayor Risavy announced the Excellence in Edwardsville recognition of Rob Wiemers for Hockey Fights Cancer initiative. Cathy Hensley, Communications Coordinator came forward to read the nomination. The Edwardsville High School Hockey team is known for the Friday night matches for Hockey Fights Cancer initiative. In 2023, the matches raised more than $41,500 to support cancer programs and research. In 2024, the goal is $100,000 each year. The team has a website, tigershfc.com for those interested in donating. Coach Wiemers has created a successful team program for the Edwardsville Hockey community. He truly demonstrates Excellence in Edwardsville. 

Coach Wiemers came forward to say a few words and accept the award (city coin). Coach Wiemers commented this is a team effort. He thanked the players, coaches and staff at RP Lumber. 

Mayor Risavy announced the Citizen Commendation Recognition: Joseph S. Adesiyan, Eldon P. Fritz and Rodney A. Friedly. Chief Fillback came forward to present the award. Chief Fillback commented the citizens responded to an accident on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Police and Fire units responded to an area on Governors Parkway near Gerber. A motorist experienced a medical emergency and drove off Governors Parkway. The area is obstructed from the roadway. These citizens saw the car leave the road and stopped. The motorist could have remained in the vehicle if they had not stopped. These citizens did not hesitate to help a citizen in need. Thank you for your willingness to help!! 

Mayor Risavy opened the public comment portion of the meeting. No public comments made. 

Consent Agenda 

Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows: 

● Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on November 05, 2024 

● Reports of Elected and Appointed Officials: 

○ Finance Director - Monthly Financial Report (to be distributed) Finance Department - Monthly Activity Report 

○ Police - Monthly Activity Report 

○ Fire Chief - Monthly Activity Report (Fire and EMS Services) 

● Circuit Clerk's Report 

● Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) b) 

Pending/Imminent Litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) 

Motion by Krause, seconded by Farrar to approve the Consent Agenda presented. 

Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Petitions and Communications 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 7 Washington Place for information and file. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from the Plan Commission regarding a Text Amendment amending Chapter 1242.03.1 Central Business District (B-1) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville for information and file. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from the Plan Commission regarding a Zoning Map Amendment on North Main Street for information and file. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from the Plan Commission regarding a Zoning Map Amendment on North Buchanan Street for information and file. 

Legislative & Executive 

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of 2025 Liquor/Tobacco Licenses for the City of Edwardsville. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Legal & Judicial 


City Clerk 


Finance Committee 

Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting on October 10, 2024 were presented for information and file. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve the Claims -$3,972,560.76. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle for approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Ampion, PBC, to subscribe the City of Edwardsville's Electrical Account to a Community Solar Array. 

Alderman Krause commented the city would opt in to a solar farm located outside of the city. The city will receive credits from the power generated at the solar farm. The program presents a ten percent savings. Jeanne Wojcieszak, Director of Finance commented we would receive discount on transmission charges. This does not include the water treatment plant or wastewater treatment plant. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Finance Committee will meet on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Public Services Committee 

Minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting on October 29, 2024 were presented for information and file. 

Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for approval of an Agreement for Operations, Maintenance and Management Services with INFRAMARK, LLC. 

Alderwoman Warren commented a committee interviewed all three companies that submitted proposals. This agreement replaces our current agreement. Public Services unanimously approved at the committee meeting. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for approval to Award the 2024 Sewer Lining Contract to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC in the total amount of $329,774.75. Alderwoman Warren commented the contract includes cleaning, inspecting and lining sewers along numerous streets throughout the city. The contract allows sewer pipes to be rehabilitated without excavation, repair or replacement. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for approval of Change Order #1 for the Design- Build Sidewalk Project 200 Block N. Main Street for $41,625.10. 

Alderwoman Warren commented improvements proposed improve the project. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderwoman Warren presented the Change Order #2 for the Hillsboro Avenue Drainage Improvements Contract for information and file. 

Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee 

Minutes of Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting on October 30, 2024 were presented for information and file. 

Alderwoman Grant presented an Ordinance Amending Chapter 1242.03.1 Central Business District (B-1) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville for first reading. 

Alderwoman Grant presented an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Amendment of properties along the block on the east side of North Buchanan Street located between Chapman Street and Hillsboro Avenue from "R-2" Multiple-Family Residential District to "R-1" Single- Family Residential District for first reading. 

Motion by Grant, second by Miracle for approval of RASE Board Items from the November 5, 2024 meeting - Trinity Lutheran Ugly Christmas Sweater 5k on Saturday, December 14, 2024. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderwoman Grant presented the minutes from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting on October 02, 2024 for information and file. 

Alderwoman Grant presented the minutes from the Zoning Board of Appeals Committee meeting on May 28, 2024 for information and file. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall 

Old Business 

Alderman Farrar commented on the reading of the Ordinance for the Central Business District, he pointed out the map indicates gas stations are involved and he wanted to confirm they are not involved. In addition, the ordinance will allow for "walk-up" windows. 

New Business 

Cathy Hensley came forward to review other events: 

Saturday, November 30th Santa arrives to the Nickel Plate Station. 

Closed Session 

Motion by Morrison at 7:29 p.m. to end open session and move into closed session. 

Council entered into Executive Session at 7:34 p.m. 

Motion by Warren, second by Farrar to end closed session at 8:38 p.m. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

Council reconvened at 8:38 p.m. 

Action Taken on Executive Session Items 

Motion by Patton, second by Miracle for approval to pursue demolition of the property located at 733 Voge Street in Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant, Farrar, Patton and Miracle voting aye. Motion carried. 

There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 8:39p.m. with a motion by Miracle.
