John Miles, City Council Member | City of Jerseyville Website
John Miles, City Council Member | City of Jerseyville Website
City of Jerseyville City Council met Dec. 23
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Kevin Stork called the regular session of the Jerseyville City Council to order Monday, December 23rd at City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Anthony Steckel, Steve Pohlman, John Miles, and Mayor Kevin Stork. Comm. Zachary Crawford was absent. City Attorney William Strang was present. City Clerk Denise Hayes took minutes.
Comm. Pohlman led the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve the bills as presented for December 23, 2024, in the amount of $801,666.99. Comm. Steckel noted invoices for splash pad and equipment for dump trucks were included in the bill total. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
A. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board of a petition submitted by Danny Phipps on behalf of 143 Investors Group, LLC, to rezone 108 West County Road from R-2 to B-1 to be used as a parking lot. Danny Phipps was present at the meeting stating the intended use is for a parking lot and with the hopes of possibly add on to their existing building in the future. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
B. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve a resolution approving a letter of support recognizing Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau as the State of Illinois certified destination marketing organization for the City of Jerseyville. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
C. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to approve publishing a half page ad in the Great River & Routes Go Guide publication in the amount of $3,000.00. Will Strang, Director of Tourism, explained to Council this advertisement will give the City the opportunity to promote community events and use of facilities such as splash pad. There are approximately 40,000 copies printed of the Go Guide which are delivered to multiple locations within the State of Illinois. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
Mayor Stork announced the following:
-City refuse site will be closed December 24th.
ADJOURNMENT: Being no other business to be discussed, a motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Miles, to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.