Jerry Mouser, City Clerk | City of O'Fallon
Jerry Mouser, City Clerk | City of O'Fallon
City of O'Fallon Library Board met Jan. 13
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting took place at the O’Fallon Public Library in O’Fallon, IL.
President Suzanne Rupright called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Suzanne Rupright; present, Linda Mitchell; present, Doug Distler; present, Charla Morton; present, Larry Morrison; present, Liz Jennings; present, Vern Hamm; present, May Brown; present, Beth Rowling; present. Also attending special guest Sandra Evans from the City Finance Department and library patron Steve Springer.
Guest Presentations: Representatives Kevin Wills and Bob Vale from Bernardi Securities educated the board on their business practices and using municipal bond sales to raise cash for a new library building. Brian Lescar from First Bank gave an update on the library’s investments and accounts.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by C. Morton to accept the consent agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
December Bills: A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by L. Jennings to approve the presented bills for payment. Roll call: S. Rupright; aye, L. Mitchell; aye, C. Morton; aye, D. Distler; aye, L. Jennings; aye, L. Morrison; aye, V. Hamm; aye, M. Brown; aye and B. Rowling; aye. All ayes. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None
New Business: A motion was made by L. Jennings and seconded by L. Mitchell to approve the closing date of March 7, 2025 for Staff Development Day. All ayes. Motion Carried. A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by V. Hamm to approve an update of the teen room at a cost of $7,940.00. All ayes. Motion carried.
Executive Session: none
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.$file/250113LBMinutes.pdf