
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Madison County Zoning Board of Appeals met Jan. 28

Webp dave tanzyus

Dave Tanzyus, County Administrator | Madison County Website

Dave Tanzyus, County Administrator | Madison County Website

Madison County Zoning Board of Appeals met Jan. 28

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: Don Metzler, George Ellis, Cedric Irby, Sharon Sherrill

Members Absent: Nicholas Cohan, Mary Goode, Curtis Stephens

A. Call to Order

Don Metzler, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and conducted roll call.

B. Approval of Minutes

Chairman Metzler asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from December 17, 2024. George Ellis made a motion to approve. Seconded by Cedric Irby. Voice-vote. All ayes. Motion approved.

C. Overview of Zoning Petitions and Staff Review

Jen Hurley, Zoning Coordinator, gave a brief overview of the zoning petition and zoning text amendments and provided staff review.

D. Explanation of Zoning Hearing Procedures and Swearing in of All Parties

Chairman Metzler explained hearing procedures to meeting attendees and swore in staff members and all parties wishing to address the Board.

E. Zoning Hearings

The Zoning Board of Appeals conducted the zoning hearing on the two agenda items.

Please see the attached Findings of Facts for a summary of each zoning hearing and public comment.

F. Citizens Wishing to Address the Zoning Board of Appeals

Please see the attached Findings of Facts for a summary of each zoning hearing and public comment.

G. Unfinished Business


H. New Business

1. Hearing Z25-0004 - Petition of Armoracia Solar, LLC, applicant on behalf of Scott Frey and Jacob Frey, owners of record, requesting a Special Use Permit as per §93.025, Section G, Item 21 of the Madison County Zoning Ordinance in order to develop a Commercial Solar Energy Facility on site. This is located in an “R-3” SingleFamily Residential District in Collinsville Township at the southeast corner of Interstate 55 and Pleasant Ridge Rd, Collinsville, Illinois, County Board District #23, PIN#s 13-1-21-15-00-000-018 & 13-1-21-14-00-000-012. A motion was made by George Ellis and seconded by Sharon Sherrill that the petition of Armoracia Solar, LLC, applicants on behalf of Scott Frey and Jacob Frey, be Approved with Conditions. Roll-call vote. Ayes: George Ellis. Nays: Cedric Irby, Sharon Sherrill, Don Metzler. Motion denied.

2. Notice of Zoning Text Amendments - Petition of Madison County Building and Zoning Administrator requesting text amendments to Chapter 93 of the Madison County Code of Ordinances. A motion was made by Cedric Irby and seconded by Sharon Sherrill that the petition of Madison County Building and Zoning Administrator be Approved. Roll-call vote. All Ayes. Motion passes.

I. Zoning Coordinator’s Report

Jen Hurley, Zoning Coordinator, informed all applicants of the upcoming Building & Zoning Committee meeting, where their requests will be heard next.

J. Adjournment

Cedric Irby made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by George Ellis. Voice-vote. All ayes. Motion passes.

Meeting adjourned.
