
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

16 inmates sentenced in Madison County to be released in March

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There are 16 inmates sentenced in Madison County set to be released from jail in March, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections.

David S. Sterling II, who served the longest sentence among them, spent more than five years incarcerated for aggravated DUI causing death.

According to the Illinois Department of Corrections, Illinois spends about $45,828 a year per incarcerated person. In a 2023 study by the Prison Policy Initiative, the state's incarceration rate was at 433 per 100,000, higher than every industrialized country, except the United States. When compared with its surrounding states, Illinois was the lowest. Kentucky and Missouri have rates over 700 per 100,000.

One of the reasons behind jail growth is how pretrial detainees are handled. Another study by the Prison Policy Initiative noted that the number of unconvicted individuals was more than two times higher than convicted individuals.

Most prison inmates are released on some condition of supervised monitoring upon reentering civilian life. This monitoring can last from one year to the rest of someone’s life.

Inmates Sentenced in Madison County Scheduled for Release in March
NameOffenseSupervised Release DateHolding Facility
William L. GarteeCHIL SEX OFFEN/RESIDE SAY CARE03/02/2025Vandalia Correctional Center
Gerry A. ArmbrusterAID/ABET/POSS/SELL STOLEN VEH03/02/2025Graham Correctional Center
Clayton ShafferATTEMPT AGG ARSON03/02/2025Pinckneyville Correctional Center
Douglas A. RodgersSEX OFF FAIL TO REPORT WEEKLY/2ND03/04/2025Taylorville Correctional Center
Natasha N. TheisPOSSESSION OF METH/15<100 GRAMS03/06/2025Decatur Correctional Center
Carl E. JohnsonROBBERY03/07/2025Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center
Jacob D. BoardAGG CRIM SEX ABUSE/VICTIM <1303/10/2025Graham Correctional Center
Kenneth L. JohnsonUUW-FELON POSS/USE WEAPON/FIREARM03/13/2025Graham Correctional Center
Robert E. StraightATTEMPT DISARM PC OFF/CORR EMP03/13/2025Western Illinois Correctional Center
Jeremy J. WatersVIO ORDER/PRIOR VIO OF ORDER03/15/2025Lincoln Correctional Center
Jason S. VolgerVIO ORDER/PRIOR VIO OF ORDER03/16/2025Vandalia Correctional Center
David S. Sterling IIAGG DUI/DEATH OF ANOTHER03/20/2025Illinois River Correctional Center
Joseph W. AndersonAGG UNLAWFUL USE OF WEAPON/VEH03/21/2025Graham Correctional Center
Anthony W. TinkerMFG/DEL 15<100 GR FENTANYL03/22/2025Western Illinois Correctional Center
Nicholas D. ButlerRESIDENTIAL BURGLARY03/23/2025Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center
Jaimee N. Butko VichRESIDENTIAL BURGLARY03/27/2025Decatur Correctional Center