The Buildings and Facilities Management Committee for Madison County, Illinois met recently to discuss various topics, including the status of current building projects.
The committee went through a host of status updates on current projects. It looked at the cleaning and resealing project at the administration building. For the county’s courthouse, it discussed the tuck pointing and sealing, engineering services and historical dinner projects. It walked through the lock replacement and camera system replacement projects at the detention home. It discussed the architectural and engineering study project at the jail and the feeder wire placement project at the criminal justice center. It examined the retaining wall replacement project at the museum. Finally, it tackled Wood River and its elevator modernization and fire alarm replacement projects.
Afterwards, the committee sought resolution to approve county holidays for 2016. Additionally, it looked at a purchase request for the administration building elevator pump unit replacement.
At the meeting’s conclusion, the committee announced that the next meeting would take place at 2:30 p.m. on Jan. 11.