The Planning and Development Committee for Madison County, Illinois met recently to hear the Planning Coordinator’s and Administrator’s reports and tackle any old and new business on the docket.
During the Planning Coordinator’s Report, Derek Jackson presented the committee with new information on file Z15-0079. The petition, from Allan and Gay Tipsword, called for three accessory buildings in the front and side yard setback areas.
Jackson also presented two minor subdivision plats to the community, one for McKinney Place and one for the Hausman Subdivision.
During the Administator’s Report, Matt Brandmeyer announced that applications would start to slow down for the winter months. Staff would use this time to update and amend zoning and subdivision ordinances, such as evaluating the agricultural commercial land uses ordinance. It could also look to make procedural updates to the subdivision code.
Committee member Brenda Roosevelt, in the old business portion of the meeting, made a motion to approve the Resolution, Zoning Board of Appeal’s Findings of Fact, and Recommendations for Z15-0079. The motion was approved.
The committee took multiple actions during the New Business portion of the meeting. The McKinney Place-Minor Subdivision motion was approved. The Hausman Subdivision-Minor Subdivision Plat was tabled for 30 days. The Amendment to Z09-0056 Special Use Permit Conditions of Approval was approved.