
Metro East Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee meets to discuss purchasing approvals, tax issues


Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee covers purchasing approvals, committee resolutions and Motel Tax at recent meeting.

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee covers purchasing approvals, committee resolutions and Motel Tax at recent meeting.

The Finance and Government Operations Committee for Madison County, Illinois, recently met to cover purchasing approvals, committee resolutions and the Motel Tax.

Pressing purchasing approvals included 220,000 sheets of ballot stock for the county clerk at $21,197, a pump unit elevator in the administration building for Facilities Management at $11,743 and a workstation for the front office of the Public Defender building at $5,347.60.

Important resolutions included a Sheriff’s Office request to purchase 10 2016 Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles and a resolution authorizing the use of Appellate Prosecutor Service.

In the meeting, the committee also assessed the Motel Tax, noting that $1,439.13 had been collected for the first half of fiscal year 2015.

The committee exists to oversee Support Services and Safety and Risk Management, as well as provide liaison with the county auditor, county clerk, recorder and treasurer. It additionally liaises with other elected officials as needed.

Jack Minner is the chair of the committee. Committee members include Michael Holliday Sr., Larry Trucano, Kelly Tracy, Ann Gorman, Bill Meyer and Jamie Goggin.