The Madison County Buildings and Facilities Management Committee recently updated its members on current projects.
The Madison County Buildings and Facilities Management Committee recently updated its members on current projects.
The Buildings and Facilities Management Committee for Madison County, Illinois, recently gathered to approve county holidays for 2016, approve a replacement pump purchase request for the Administration Building and give updates on all its projects.
A resolution was presented to the committee for the approval of county holidays for the coming year. The resolution was approved unanimously. The replacement pump purchase request, specifically needed for the Administration Building’s elevator, cost $11,743 and was approved unanimously.
The committee walked through each and every one of its current projects, starting with the Administration Building project, noting that it was on schedule. For the Courthouse project, the electrical engineer had done a walkthrough to inspect existing electrical panels.
At the Criminal Justice Center, management replaced the feeder wire. Officials from the Detention Home noted that locksets would be replaced when the time allows. Museum representatives noted that RCS Construction had replaced the retaining wall block.