Madison County Buildings and Facilities Management Committee recently met to update current project statuses.
Madison County Buildings and Facilities Management Committee recently met to update current project statuses.
The Buildings and Facilities Management Committee for Madison County, Illinois, recently convened to assess its current projects.
Five major projects were discussed in detail at the meeting -- from multiple facilities around the county. A representative from the committee had met with the engineers on the courthouse project to review the engineer study. A report should come next month. At the detention home, the buildings crew pulled more cat 5 network cables and made power drops, all in an effort to have the facility’s camera systems maintain their function in the event of a power outage.
The committee also mentioned that a meeting is scheduled for later in the month to go over progress on the jail’s architectural and engineering study. At Wood River, the first elevator modernizations are up and running. The project crew has now moved on to the second elevator. Additionally, old detection devices were removed, which revealed several abandoned zones from the old panel of the fire alarm system.
Members present at the meeting included Chairperson Art Asadorian, Mick Madison, Joe Semanisin, Steve Adler, Bruce Malone, Roger Alons and Jim Dodd.