
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Godfrey Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss rezoning applications


The Godfrey Planning and Zoning Commission plans to gather at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow for a regular meeting. | Courtesy of Shutterstock

The Godfrey Planning and Zoning Commission plans to gather at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow for a regular meeting. | Courtesy of Shutterstock

The Village of Godfrey Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow, April 20, to discuss the application asking to rezone the property located at Lot One in River Forest Farm, Godfrey, from Agriculture to R-5 Residential Multiple Family with a variance for district size of five acres.

In addition, the commission plans to discuss an application asking for approval of rezoning R-3 property to a Planned Residential Development and also the final subdivision plat of Sycamore Hill.

Village Hall is located at 6810 Godfrey Road.