At a recent meeting, the Madison County Planning and Development Committee heard a request from a landowner for a special-use permit to raise chickens and goats on his Wood River Township property.
The committee is charged with supervising the county’s planning and development department. It also liaisons with the Zoning Board of Appeals, County Regional Planning Commission and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; makes recommendations related to the county’s Zoning Ordinance, Environmental Regulations, Subdivision Regulations, Mobile Home Regulations and Building/Housing Codes; reviews subdivision plats; oversees the county's solid waste inspection and recycling programs; and oversees the county’s participation in regional, state and federal stormwater control programs.
Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the committee.
Planning & Development Committee Meeting
June 13, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.
Madison County Administration Building
Planning and Development Conference Room
157 N. Main Street, Suite 254
Edwardsville, IL 62025
A. Call of Meeting to Order
B. Approval of Minutesfor May 16, 2016
C. Planning Coordinator’s Report
D. Citizens Wishing to Address the Committee
E. Old Business:
1) Tabled until more information is received: Resolution, Zoning Board of Appeals’ Findings of Fact, and Recommendation for zoning file Z15-0088, petition of Jon Metheny, requesting a
special use permit in order to continue the placement of a double-wide manufactured home on site for the occupancy of Scott and Patti Williams for a period not to exceed five years. (New Douglas)`
F. New Business:
1) Resolutions, Zoning Board of Appeals Findings of Fact, and Recommendations for May 26 and June 2, 2016:
a) Resolution Z16-0030, petition of Leroy Walls, requesting a variances in order to create
two tracts of land that are 1.5 acres in area and that have 145.25 feet of property width.
Also variances in order for the dwelling unit on each proposed lot to be 40 feet from
the north and south property lines. (Hamel Township)
b) Resolution Z16-0034, petition of Tobey and Julia Suter, requesting a special use permit
in order to operate an agricultural implement and machinery service and repair
establishment. (Jarvis Township)
c) Resolution Z16-0036, petition of Tina A. Merritt and Ron Wycoff, requesting a special
use permit in order to continue the placement of a single-wide manufactured home on
site for the occupancy of Ron Wycoff for a period not to exceed five years. (Nameoki
d) Resolution Z16-0038, petition of Charles Howland, requesting a special use permit in
order to continue the placement of a single-wide manufactured home on site for the
occupancy of Charles Howland for a period not to exceed 5 years. (Venice Township)
e) Resolution Z16-0035, petition of Jason and Patricia Toenyes, requesting special use
permit in order to continue the placement of a double-wide manufactured home on
site for the occupancy of Jason & Patricia Toenyes for a period not to exceed five years.
(Wood River Township)
f) Resolution Z16-0042, petition of Andrew and Mary Kerkemeyer, requesting variances
in order to create a tract of land that is.87 acre in area, in order to build a single-family
dwelling that will be 25 feet from the front and rear property lines, and in order to have
an existing private sewage system on a lot that is less than the required 40,000 square
feet. (Foster Township)
g) Resolution Z16-0044, petition of David Mueller and Denise Lutes, requesting a zoning
map amendment to rezone two tracts from R-1 and R-2 Single-Family Residential
Districts to Agricultural District and a special use permit in order to have a public horse
stable. (Edwardsville Township)
h) Resolution Z16-0047, petition of David Lawson, requesting variances in order to
construct an accessory structure that will be 30 feet in height and 5 feet from the north
property. (Pin Oak Township)
i) Resolution Z16-0040, petition of Shane Citrowske, requesting a variance in order to
create a tract of land that is 1.2 acres in size. (Moro Township)
j) Resolution Z16-0049, petition of William Ambrose on behalf of Foster Township,
requesting a variance in order to construct a commercial building that will be 12 feet
from the front property line. (Foster Township)
k) Resolution Z16-0039, petition of Freddie A. Kutter, requesting a special use permit in
order to have a remote control race track on site. (Wood River Township)
l) Resolution Z16-0037, petition of Andrew Smith, applicant and owner of record,
requesting a special use permit in order to raise chickens and goats on the property and
variances in order to locate a chicken coop 10 feet from the north and east property
lines and to locate a chicken run 0 feet from the north and east property lines instead
of the required 20 feet. (Wood River Township)
2) Citrowske Farms – Minor Subdivision Plat
3) Purchase Order Report
G. Administrator’s Report
H. Adjournment