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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Troy City Council votes on various appointments

Webp meeting 02

The Troy City Council gathered for a regular meeting on Monday, May 16.

The Troy City Council holds meetings at 7:30 p.m. every first and third Monday of the month, unless they fall on a holiday, in which case they are moved to the following Tuesday.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Troy City Council:

City of Troy 

City Council Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2016

1. Regular City Council Meeting-7:30 p.m.

A. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:

The meeting was held in the Council Chambers in the City Municipal Building, 116 East Market Street, Troy, Illinois, 62294 and was called to order by Mayor Allen Adomite at 7:30 p.m.; immediately following was the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. Roll Call in Alphabetical Order: Present: Aldermen James DeCarli, Allen Dyer, Tim Greenfield, Regina Hendrickson, Sam Italiano, Dan Jackson and Troy Turner. Other Officials Present: Mayor Allen Adomite, City Treasurer David Roady, City Administrator Jeff Soland, Director of Public Works Rob Hancock, Building and Zoning Administrator Keith Frey, Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator Jean Myers, Chief of Police Brad Parsons, City Engineer Tom Cissell, City Attorney Fred Keck and City Clerk Jamie Myers. Absent: Alderman Douglas Partney.

C. Reading and Approval of Minutes:

1. May 02, 2016 City Council Meeting Minutes Motion to Approve the May 02, 2016 City Council Meeting Minutes as Presented. Moved by Turner; Seconded by Italiano. Vote: Motion passed (summary: Aye = 6, Nay = 0, Abstain = 1). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Jackson and Turner. Abstain: Italiano. Absent: Partney.

D. Communications, to be provided by the City Clerk:

Clerk Myers recognized National Public Works Week for May 15-May 21.

E. Citizen Participation, limited to three (3) minutes per Person:

1. Gerald Lanahan, a resident of Troy, voiced his concern about an article published in the Belleville News-Democrat.

F. Mayor’s Comments:

1. Presidential Volunteer Service Awards Recognition 

Mayor Adomite called Heather Walker to the floor. He recognized Mayor Richard Schiefer from St. Jacob. Ms. Walker thanked Dawn Mushill from the Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Walker reviewed the President’s Volunteer Service Award. She announced five (5) Triad school district students who were honored. Recognized were Nathan Rice, Paige Metias, Adam Fraley, Blake Mohler and Clayton Mohler.

2. Public Information Meeting for Spring Valley Road-4-7pm, Thursday, May 26, 2016-

Mayor Adomite announced the Public Information Meeting for Spring Valley Road on May 26, 2016.

3. Update on Route 40/Spring Valley Road Intersection Project Funding

Jason Waters, from Lochmueller Group, spoke about the Route 40/Spring Valley Intersection project and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) trying to get $800,000 towards it.

4. Annual Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem-Doug Partney

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Doug Partney as Mayor Pro Tem. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion passed (summary: Aye = 6, Nay = 1, Abstain = 0).

Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Nay: Hendrickson. Absent: Partney.

5. Annual Appointment of Associate City Attorney-Bonnie Levo

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Bonnie Levo as Associate City Attorney. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Alderman DeCarli asked if the city was required to appoint an associate city attorney. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

6. Annual Appointment of Deputy City Treasurer-Michele Colligan

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Michele Colligan as Deputy Treasurer. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

7. Annual Appointment of ESDA Coordinator-Brent Shownes

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Brent Shownes as ESDA Coordinator. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

8. Annual Appointment of FOIA Officer-Jamie Myers

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Jamie Myers as FOIA Officer. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

9. Annual Appointment of Assistant FOIA Officer-Michelle Schneider

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Michelle Schneider as Assistant FOIA Officer. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

10. Annual Appointment of Assistant to the Liquor Commissioner-Linda Taake

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Linda Taake as Assistant to the Liquor Commissioner. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

11. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner-Elizabeth Hellrung

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Elizabeth Hellrung as Planning Commissioner. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Aldermen Jackson and Turner withdrew their motion.

Motion: To Combine Line Items 11-19 under Mayor’s Comments and to Approve the Annual Appointments of Elizabeth Hellrung, John Nehrt, Robert Johnson, Charles Lawrenz, Jack Burnett, Derek Delgado, Matt Reiter, Phillip Lasseigne and Jordan Dorsey as Planning Commissioners. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner.

12. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- John Nehrt

13. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Robert Johnson

14. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Charles Lawrenz

15. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Jack Burnett

16. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Derek Delgado

17. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Matt Reiter

18. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Phillip Lasseigne

19. Annual Appointment of Planning Commissioner- Jordan Dorsey

Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

20. Annual Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Commissioner (5-Year Term)-Dwayne Spangler

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of Dwayne Spangler as Zoning Board of Appeals Commissioner (5-Year Term). Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

21. Appointment of Police Pension Fund Board Trustee (2-Year Term)-David Roady

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointment of David Roady as Police Pension Fund Board Trustee (2-Year Term). Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

22. Appointment of Troy Historic Preservation Commissioner (2-Year Term)-Marilyn Sulc

Motion: To Approve the Appointment of Marilyn Sulc as Troy Historic Preservation Commissioner (2-Year Term). Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner.. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

23. Annual Appointment of City Council Standing Committees

Motion: To Approve the Annual Appointments of the City Council Standing Committees as Presented. Administrative and Community Services Committee-Chairman Doug Partney, Vice Chair Allen Dyer, Sam Italiano and Dan Jackson. Finance and Economic Development Committee-Chairman Dan Jackson, Vice Chair Troy Turner, Jim DeCarli and Doug Partney. Law Enforcement Committee-Chairman Jim DeCarli, Vice Chair Regina Hendrickson, Tim Greenfield and Troy Turner. Public Works Committee-Chairman Sam Italiano, Vice Chair Tim Greenfield, Regina Hendrickson and Allen Dyer. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

24. Veto of Certain Items of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 City Budget, Pursuant to 31.06 of the City’s

Codified Ordinances

Mayor Adomite announced he issued a veto on the FY 2016-2017 city budget. He read into the record a memo as presented. He spoke about proposed deletions and reducing the tax levy. Mayor Adomite said he is open to negotiations. He stated he will not make cuts and put those funds in the general fund and not give it back to the tax payers.

G. Attorney Comments:

1. City Administrator’s Comments

City Administrator Soland stated TWM has been asked to provide specifications on the Meadowbrooke project. The specifications will be provided to the committee and council.

2. City Attorney Comments

City Attorney Keck stated he and City Administrator Soland have met with the police officers’ union.

H. Consent Agenda, including Administrative Reports and other items to be voted collectively with one roll call vote:

1. Treasurer’s Report for April 2016

2. Building Administrator’s Report for April 2016

3. Business Registrations for April 2016

4. Police Report for April 2016

5. Water and Sewer Report for April 2016

6. Approval of the Consent Agenda as Presented

Motion: To Approve the Consent Agenda as Presented. Moved by Turner; Seconded by Dyer.

Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

I. Administrative and Community Services Committee Report:

1. Results of Planning Commission Public Hearing-May 12, 2016-

Building and Zoning Administrator Frey stated a public hearing was held concerning the old Meineke building. The owner wants to open it as an auto body shop and asked for a special use permit. There will be stipulations on the special use permit. Alderman Hendrickson asked about the procedure of abiding by special use permits.

2. Results of Planning Commission Meeting-May 12, 2016-

The planning commission did not meet after the public hearing.

3. Building and Zoning Administrator Report 

Building and Zoning Administrator Frey spoke about liens collected.

J. Finance and Economic Development Committee Report:

1. Bills to be Approved and Paid for the Month of April/May 2016 -

Motion: To Approve the Aged Obligation Report and Pay the Bills for April in May 2016 totaling $828,428.99. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Alderman Hendrickson requested getting more details on the expenses and financial reports. Alderman DeCarli asked about the Nonster item. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

Motion: To Approve the Aged Obligation Report and Pay the Bills for May 2016 totaling $632,684.29. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

2. City Treasurer Report

City Treasurer Roady stated he has been working on the appropriations ordinance.

3. Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator Report-

Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator Myers reminded the council of O’Reilly’s grand opening. The first summer of fun event hosted by the chamber will be on Friday.

K. Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Committee Report:

1. Chief of Police’s Report

Chief of Police Parsons stated Sergeants Radosovich and Meier have returned from the Washington DC trip. He stated Ryan Meier has been appointed to Sergeant. He explained there has been a glitch in the new world software. There has been an issue with counterfeit money being exchanged. Chief of Police Parsons passed out Special Olympic shirts for their anniversary. Friday will be the Cop on Top fundraiser. A committee meeting will be scheduled for next week. Alderman DeCarli thanked the police for patrolling in the residential areas and crosswalks.

L. Public Works Committee Report:

1. City Engineer’s Report

City Engineer Cissell stated the sustainability grant has been granted. He stated concerns on Sherbourne and Finch parking. The bus stop will break ground on May 31, 2016. He reviewed the ITEP grant application. Alderman Italiano asked how the city can apply for a grant for property not within the city limits.

2. Public Works Department Schedule and Report-

3. Time for Director of Public Works

Director of Public Works Hancock stated the pilot study for the water plant was accepted by the EPA. James Hoffman started as the new water plant operator. Manholes are being inspected. Alderman Italiano asked the council to look at the parking on Meadow Drive. Alderman Hendrickson asked a question concerning the TWM infiltration studies. Alderman Turner stated his concern of the stop sign on Riggin Road.

M. Reports of Special Committees (as needed):

N. Ordinances & Resolutions, called by City Clerk, with Citizen Participation limited to three (3) minutes per Person;

1. Ordinance 2016-15-Authorization of Issuance of General Obligation Bonds-Alternate Revenue Source

Motion: To Approve Ordinance 2016-15-Authorization of Issuance of General Obligation Bonds Alternate Revenue Source. Moved by Turner; Seconded by Jackson. Vote: Motion passed (summary: Aye = 6, Nay = 1, Abstain = 0). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Nay: Hendrickson. Absent: Partney.

2. Ordinance 2016-16-Authorizing a Special Use Permit for 320 East Center Street

Motion: To Approve Ordinance 2016-16-Authorizing a Special Use Permit for 320 East Center Street. Moved by Italiano; Seconded by Dyer. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

Mayor Adomite gave the floor to Alderman Greenfield to update the council on the water plant.

O. Closed Session (as needed):

P. Adjournment, no Later than 10:00 p.m.

Motion: To Adjourn the Meeting at 9:05 p.m. Moved by Jackson; Seconded by Turner. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Aye = 7). Aye: DeCarli, Dyer, Greenfield, Hendrickson, Italiano, Jackson and Turner. Absent: Partney.

Submitted by:


Jamie Myers, City Clerk



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