Members of the Granite City Council met Tuesday, Aug. 2.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Granite City Council:
AUGUST 2, 2016
Mayor Ed Hagnauer called the regular meeting to order of the city council at 7:04 p.m.
ATTENDANCE ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo, Pickerell, Clerk Whitaker and Mayor Hagnauer were present. Elliott was absent
MOTION By Pickerell, second by Schmidtke to approve the minutes from the City Council Meeting on July 19, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Petrillo, second by Pickerell to approve the request from the Granite City High School for the Granite City Cross Country Invitational on September 3, 2016, as requested, under the supervision of the Public Works and Police Department. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Thompson, second by Pickerell to approve the request from the GCAPA for a 5K Run on September 24, 2016, as requested, under the supervision of the Public Works and Police Department. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By McDowell, second by Petrillo to place on file the Plan Commission Agenda for August 4, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By McDowell, second by Petrillo to place on file the HARC Minutes from July 26, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By McDowell, second by Petrillo to concur with the (HARC) approval for the new business at 1206 Niedringhaus, D & S Essentials in a district zoned D-1 Arts and Entertainment. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Thompson, second by Davis to approve the Engineering Agreement with Juneau Associates Inc., P.C., for one year.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By McDowell, second by Jackstadt to refer back to committee the Ordinance authorizing the Granite City School Resource Officer High School Program Agreement for the 2016-2017 School Year, to be revised/renegotiated.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Schmidtke, second by Thompson to place on file a memo from the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners designating the hiring of Probationary Firefighter/Paramedic Terry Stockman as of August 2, 2016.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Davis, second by Thompson to place on file the Wastewater Treatment Committee Meeting Minutes from July 19, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Williams, second by Pickerell to place on file the July 19, 2016 Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes and keep the closed Minutes closed for 6 months. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Williams, second by Simpson to give the City Attorney authority to settle the cases that were discussed in the Insurance Committee Meeting tonight.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Jackstadt, second by Simpson to approve a Resolution extending for two months the Authority of the Office of Treasurer to compromise liens against 2560 Delmar Ave.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Jackstadt, second by McDowell to suspend the rules and place on final passage an Ordinance amending Ordinance No 8423 as to procedure on applying for (Downtown Improvement) Grant.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
FINAL PASSAGE: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Jackstadt, second by Petrillo to place on file the Economic Development Committee Minutes from July 19, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by Petrillo to approve a Resolution to authorize execution of an Agreement with SIUE concerning internship.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by Thompson to approve a Resolution to approve an Agreement for Proposed Perpetual Care of Wetlands.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by Petrillo to suspend the rules and place on final passage an Ordinance Establishing May 1, 2016- April 30, 2017 Salaries, for appointed City Officials who are not members of Collective Bargaining Units
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
FINAL PASSAGE: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by McDowell to approve a Resolution for the Downtown TIF Grant Program for 1400 Niedringhaus Ave.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by McDowell to approve the Bill List for July 2016 in the amount of $3,421,20.15.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by Petrillo to approve the Payroll for the period ending July 30, 2016 in the amount of $697,609.15.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by Jackstadt to place on file the Finance Committee Minutes from July 19, 2016. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION By Simpson, second by McDowell to place on file the Public Hearing Minutes from July 19, 2016.
ROLL CALL: McDowell, Davis, Thompson, Schmidtke, Simpson, Jackstadt, Williams, Petrillo and Pickerell. ALL VOTED YES. Motion carried.
MOTION by Thompson, second by Schmidtke to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 7:16 p.m. Motion carried.