The Madison County Judiciary Committee met Oct. 7 to authorize an inmate telephone service agreement.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
The Madison County Judiciary Committee serves as a liaison with the circuit court and clerk, state's attorney, sheriff and jail operations, probation and court services, juvenile detention, public defender and jury commission. It also works with elected officials to coordinate criminal justice operations and recommend changes in procedures.
Friday, October 7
th, 2016
8:30 A.M.
1. Roll call
2. Public Comment
3. Approve minutes from September meeting
4. Purchasing Approvals
a) Circuit Clerk Request to Purchase Edwardsville Police Dept added to
digiTICKET Electronic Ticket Solution.
b) Sheriff Resolution Authorizing an Inmate Telephone Service Agreement.
5. Standing reports:
a) Detention Home
b) Probation
6. Reports from Circuit Clerk, Circuit Court and Sheriff
7. State’s Attorney
8. New business
9. Old business
10. Adjourn