
Metro East Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Belleville City Council met April 3.

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City of Belleville City Council met April 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Mark Eckert called this meeting to order.

Mayor Eckert explained the disaster procedures. Mayor Eckert reminded anyone speaking this evening to step up to a microphone because the meetings are being taped and posted the next day on the website.

Mayor Eckert requested City Clerk Dallas B. Cook to call roll. Members present on roll call: City Clerk, Dallas B. Cook, City Treasurer Hardt and City Attorney Hoerner. Aldermen: Joe Hazel, Ken Kinsella, Jane Pusa, Mike Buettner, Kent Randle, Scott Tyler, Johnny Anthony, Raffi Ovian, Phil Silsby, Ed Dintelman, Andrew Gaa, Bob White, Trent Galetti, Phil Elmore, Roger Wigginton, and Jim Musgrove.

Roll Call Department Heads:

Roll Call Department Heads: Fire Chief, Tom Pour; Director of Maintenance, Ken Vaughn; Finance Director, Director of Wastewater, Royce Carlisle; Jamie Maitret; City Engineer, Tim Gregowicz; Human Resource Director, Sherry Favre; Director of Library, Leander Spearman; Director of Economic Development, Annissa McCaskill; Health; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Parks; Recreation, Debbie Belleville: Housing Director, Bob Sabo

Department Heads Excused: Police Chief, Bill Clay.


Mayor Eckert led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Hearing:


Public Participation:

Stewart Lannert-

At 4:45 pm this date there was a disturbance on Godfrey Street (the area is surrounded by Lindenwood students). There were two police cars and an ambulance. 200 cops will not make the city safer. All the cops do is pick up the pieces after the crime and sometimes catch the perps which usually get off with a reduced sentence. It seems like the city always dodges the bullet regarding the boiler. West Main Market evidently was not inspected very well because no sooner than they sold it went up in flames.

Don Amann-

Requested to make a public thank you to the Belleville Police Department, Ward 3 Aldermen - Scott Tyler and Kent Randle who have worked hand-in-hand for over a year to close down a drug house (there have been several in Ward 3).

Michael Hagberg-

Regarding Solicitor's license for an energy seller. There have been reports on social media that there have been people out in the neighborhoods to get residents to turn over their electric bill and change their rates. He would like the public to know to not be fooled by a rate that is only going to stay constant for the next two months and then jumps. The City has a good aggregate program which is 05.8 cents and people should be comparing to that rate.

Presentations, Recognitions & Appointments:

Claire LeBland and Rico Walker, from BASIC (Belleville East), recognized the Character word of the month “Cooperation' working together in a peaceful way.


Mayor Eckert recognized Mike Parks for his 39 years of service with the City.

Approval of Minutes:

Alderman Buettner made a motion seconded by Alderman Kinsella to accept and file the minutes of City Council March 20, 2017.

All members voted aye.

Claims, Payroll and Disbursements:

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Ovian to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of $2,114,430.99 and payroll in the amount of $833,520.86.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Silsby, Dintelman, Gaa, White, Galetti, Elmore, Wigginton and Musgrove. (16)



Oral Reports

Oral Reports from Standing Committees, Special Committees and Any Other Oral Reports from the Elected Officials or Staff

Zoning Board of Appeals:

Alderman Anthony made a motion seconded by Alderman Ovian to read the following items by title only and approve in the name of the applicant only:

Item #2: 10-Mar 17 - Belleville Historical Society - A request for a Use Variance in order to operate a Museum at 6 Oak Knoll Place (Parcel number: 07-01.0-109-013) located in an "A-1"

Single Family Residence Zoning District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162,093, 162.570.) Ward 4

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #3:11-Mar 17 - Belleville Historical Society - A request for a Special Use Permit in order to operate a Bed & Breakfast at 6 Oak Knoll Place (Parcel number: 07-01.0-109-013) located in an "A-1" Single Family Residence Zoning District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.094, 162.515.) Ward 4

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

All members voted aye.


Alderman Ovian made a motion seconded by Alderman Anthony to approve in the name of the applicant only Item #4:12-Mar 17 - Randy Tate - A request to ReZone the property at 77057707 West Main (Parcel number: 07-01.0-311-054, 055) from "C-1" Light Commercial District to "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of the Zoning Code: 162.230 through 162.248, 162.590.) Ward 4

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: The applicant must meet with City aldermen to come to an agreement regarding which types of specific uses would be permitted or not permitted at the property.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Silsby, Dintelman, Gaa, White, Galetti, Elmore, Wigginton and Musgrove. (16)


Alderman Anthony made a motion seconded by Alderman Ovian to approve in the name of the applicant only Item #5:13-Mar 17 - Sheryl Williams - A request for a Use Variance in order to operate a church service at 7705 West Main Street, suites 1 & 3 (Parcel number: 07-01.0-311055) located in a "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of the Zoning Code: 162.247, 162.570.) Ward 4

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

All members voted aye.


Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderman Galetti to read the following items by title only:

Item #6:14-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley - A request for a Special Use permit for a liquor license at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #7:15-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley - A request for a Special Use permit for Outdoor dining at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #8:16-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley- A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) flush mounted sign at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0.

Alderman Silsby made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to approve the following items:

Item #6:14-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley - A request for a Special Use permit for a liquor license at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #7:15-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley - A request for a Special Use permit for outdoor dining at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0. Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #8:16-Mar 17- Kareemah Lampley- A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) flush mounted sign at 104 West Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-443-046) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 5

Recommended for approval 5-0.

Item #9:17-Mar 17- Lindsey Tyler- A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) awning decal at 18 East Main Street, Suite B (Parcel: 08-21.0-445-013) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 6

Recommended for approval 5-0.

All members voted aye.


Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderman Galetti to read the following items by title only:

Item #9: 17-Mar 17- Lindsey Tyler- A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) awning decal at 18 East Main Street, Suite B (Parcel: 08-21.0-445-013) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 6

Recommended for approval 5-0.

Item #10: 18-Mar 17- Jeff Stehl - A request for a Special Use permit in order to erect a metal building over 150 square feet at 1401 S. Illinois (Parcel: 08-33.0-200-035) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward

Recommended for approval 5-0

Item #11:19-Mar 17-Robert Rosner -A request for a Special Use permit in order to erect a metal building over 150 square feet at 2712 Walter Street (Parcel: 08-20.0-208-007) located in an "A-1" Single Family Residence District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162,094, 162.515) Ward 2

Recommended for approval 5-0

Item #12:20-Mar 17- JMRR Inc. - A request for a Special Use permit for a liquor license at 6401-6405 W. Main Street (Parcel: 07-12.0-213-026) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515)Ward

Recommended for approval 5-0 Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #13: 21-Mar 17-Amber Johnson-A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) flush mounted sign at 12 East Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-445-008) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 6

Recommended for approval 5-0

Alderman Gaa made a motion seconded by Alderman Pusa to approve the following items:

Item #9: 17-Mar 17- Lindsey Tyler- A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) awning decal at 18 East Main Street, Suite B (Parcel: 08-21.0-445-013) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 6

Recommended for approval 5-0.

Item #10:18-Mar 17- Jeff Stehl - A request for a Special Use permit in order to erect a metal building over 150 square feet at 1401 S. Illinois (Parcel: 08-33.0-200-035) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward

Recommended for approval 5-0

Item #11:19-Mar 17-Robert Rosner –A request for a Special Use permit in order to erect a metal building over 150 square feet at 2712 Walter Street (Parcel: 08-20.0-208-007) located in an "A-1" Single Family Residence District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.094, 162.515) Ward 2

Recommended for approval 5-0

Item #12:20-Mar 17- JMRR Inc. - A request for a Special Use permit for a liquor license at 6401-6405 W. Main Street (Parcel: 07-12.0-213-026) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 162.248, 162.515)Ward

Recommended for approval 5-0 Stipulation: In the name of the applicant only.

Item #13: 21-Mar 17-Amber Johnson-A request for a Sign Installation permit in the Area of Special Control in order to place one (1) window graphic and one (1) flush mounted sign at 12 East Main Street (Parcel: 08-21.0-445-008) located in an "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable portion of Zoning code: 155.045) Ward 6

Recommended for approval 5-0

All members voted aye.

Streets and Grades Committee:

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Galetti to postpone the approval of the engineering services for the Orchards Floodplain Mitigation site with Hanson Professional services in the amount of $38,013.00 for further evaluation.

All members voted aye.


Alderman White made a motion seconded by Alderman Silsby to approve solicitor license requests from Timothy O'Connell, Vincente Guzman and Antwan Walls, Green Energy Program.

All members voted aye.

Alderman White made a motion seconded by Alderman Elmore to deny the solicitor license request from Scott Prentiss.

All members voted aye.


Alderman White made a motion seconded by Alderman Gaa to approve Copper Fire Bar & Eatery requests for extension of time for the Special Use Permits allowing for Liquor License and Multi-Family Residential at 200 E. Main Street due to expire on April 4, 2017.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Silsby, Dintelman, Gaa, White, Galetti, Elmore, Wigginton and Musgrove. (16)


Alderman Pusa made a motion seconded by Alderman Galetti to approve the following communications:

Communication from Doris Isbell is requesting to have a block party at 911 East 'C' Street for a family reunion on July 14, 2017 from 6:30-11:00 pm.


Communication from Belleville Main Street requesting the following events:

> Old Town Market, every Saturday from 6:30 am until 1:00 pm, May 6 - November 4, 2017

>Craft Beer Walk on Saturday, June 17th from 4-7pm.

>Sidewalks Sales on July 28th and 29th

>Shop Local for School on September 9th

>Pre-Holiday Open House on November 10th and 11th

>Small Business on Saturday on November 25th

>Art & Wine Walk on Saturday, November 4th from 4-8 pm

>Ladies' Night Out at Tavern on Main, Thursday, July 20th from 3-9 pm

All members Voted aye.






Alderman Silsby made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to read by title only Ordinances 8026-2017, 8027-2017, 8028-2017, 8029-20107, 8030-201, 8031-2017, 8032-2017, 8033-2017, 8034-2017, 8035-2017, 8036-2017, 8038-2017, 8039-2017 and 8040-2017.

All members voted aye.

Alderman Silsby made a motion seconded by Alderman Galetti to approve the below ordinances:

Ordinance No. 8026-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #10Mar17 Belleville Historical Society.

Ordinance No. 8027-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #11Mar17 Belleville Historical Society

Ordinance No. 8028-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #12Mar17 Randy Tate

Ordinance No. 8029-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #13Mar17 Sheryl Williams.

Ordinance No. 8030-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #14mar17 Kareemah Lampley.

Ordinance No. 8031-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #15Mar17 Kareemah Lampley.

Ordinance No. 8032-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #16Mar17 Kareemah Lampley.

Ordinance No. 8033-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #17Mar17 Lindsey Tyler.

Ordinance No. 8034-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case H19mar17 Robert Rosner.

Ordinance No. 8035-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #21mar17 Amber Johnson.

Ordinance No. 8036-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #18Mar17 Jeff Stehl.

Ordinance No. 8037-2017-

A Zoning Ordinance In Re Case #20Mar17 JMRR Inc.

Ordinance No. 8038-2017-

An Ordinance Amending Article IX (Business Regulations), Chapter 119 (Healing Arts and Massage Services) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois AS Amended, by Amending Portions of Sections Thereof.

Ordinance No. 8039-2017-

An Ordinance Amending Article XV (Land Use), Chapter 162 (Zoning), Section 162.504 (Site Plan Requirements) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois AS Amended, by Amending Portions of Sections Thereof.

Ordinance No. 8040-2017-

An Ordinance Amending Article VII (Traffic Code), Chapter 75 (Traffic Schedules) and Article VII (Traffic Code), Chapter 76 (Parking Schedule) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois AS Amended, by Amending Portions of Sections Thereof.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Silsby, Dintelman, Gaa, White, Galetti, Elmore, Wigginton and Musgrove. (16)

Unfinished Business:


Miscellaneous & New Business:

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Elmore Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of $22,365.43.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Kinsella, Pusa, Buettner, Randle, Tyler, Anthony, Ovian, Silsby, Dintelman, Gaa, White, Galetti, Elmore, Wigginton and Musgrove. (16)

Executive Session:



Alderman Galetti made a motion seconded by Alderman Wigginton to adjourn at 7:50 pm.

All members voted aye.




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