Madison County Emergency Telephone System Board met June 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Board Members In Attendance
Rich Schardan Retired Chief, Maryville Police Department Marc McLemore Captain, Madison County Sheriff’s Office Terry M. Bell Chief, Highland Police Department Robert A. Rizzi, Jr. Dir. of Support Serv., Madison County Sheriff’s Off.
Board Members Absent
Steve Evans Chief, Collinsville Police Department Vince Martinez Chief, Granite City Fire Department Donald Moore County Board Member
Staff Members Present
Terry McFarland 9-1-1 Coordinator Dana Burris Training Administrator Rob Hursey GIS Specialist George Perica Addressing Specialist Ellen Rogers Administrative Aide Clint Soldan Data Base Manager
Please see Sign-in sheet.
Chairman Schardan opened the Special Emergency Telephone System Board meeting at 10:10 a.m. on June 2, 2017.
Chairman Schardan asked for action on the May 24, 2017 Minutes.
There was a motion by Mr. McLemore and seconded by Mr. Rizzi to accept the Minutes. All voted Aye.
Public Comment
Old Business
Coordinator’s Report
Consolidation Report
Chairman Schardan stated that he had provided the Board members a memo describing two main issues to focus on today. The items are PSAP alignment and compensation. Starting with alignment, under option 2.1 Troy and Wood River are undecided. Chairman Schardan stated he still has concerns with the dispatch of Troy’s fire and EMS. There were questions and discussion on Troy’s fire and ambulance calls and how other fire and ambulance calls will be handled with consolidations.
Chairman Schardan stated that Wood River’s issue is their need of financial reimbursement for hiring two additional dispatchers to cover an additional 7,000 calls (under option 2.1). There was discussion about the additional 7,000 calls staying in Wood River and working on compensation for them, or possibly the additional calls going to another PSAP.
Chairman Schardan discussed a handout from the 911 office showing some operational pool choices based on an estimated average annual surplus and ATT’s (revised) estimated proposed new agreement cost. The amount available for funding in the different scenarios varies depending on if there would be a down payment or not to ATT. Chairman Schardan stated it appears there are funds available for assisting PSAPs, but the question is with Wood River’s financial needs, would the State allow us to pay the amount Wood River needs and, if not, then where would the 7,000 calls go.
Other items of discussion were: consolidation plans may not be possible without the financial part of the plan worked out; compensating a PSAP more than the actual cost of a call may not be possible; there was an explanation of the two-tier compensation design; the possibility that if the cost of the new ATT agreement could be reduced further there may be more funds available; funding of PSAPs and how the funding will be determined and distributed and whether this will be County-wide on a per call basis for all 911 calls or only for those PSAPs taking on additional 911 calls; possibly dividing among PSAPs the surcharge surplus, if any, at the end of each year; a possible increase to our funding with the new State law; how much the State may provide in grant funds; and compensation payments to PSAPs may not start until at least the first quarter of 2019 for those that take on additional calls and the first quarter of 2020 for those that did not take on additional calls.
Coordinator McFarland noted that the State is supposed to be responsible for one- time costs, but not reoccurring costs. He also noted that any grant applications from the ISP need to go through the 911 Office and asked if an agency has numbers available for a grant application to provide those numbers to him.
It was discussed that the ETSB submit the best consolidation plan possible and include financials as required (including Wood River as is and contingent on appropriate funding). If the State does not approve the consolidation plan, then further discussion/planning will be needed with the State.
There will be another Special ETSB meeting June 7, 2017 at 10 a.m. and a Subcommittee Meeting on June 7, 2017 at 9:45 a.m.
New Business
Mr. Bell moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Rizzi seconded said motion. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote, with the meeting adjourning at 10:59 a.m.