Village of St. Jacob Board of Trustees met April 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Mayor Richard Schiefer Trustee George Gawlick
Village Clerk Kathy Becker Trustee Bobby Ross
Chief Steve Howe Trustee Guideon Richeson
Trustee Chris Tolbert
Absent: Trustee Pattie Beil
Quorum present
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
I. Approval of Minutes And Agenda
1. Trustee Richeson made a motion to approve the minute's 17-06 for March 16, 2017. Trustee Ross seconds the motion, Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed,
2. Trustee Richeson made a motion to approve the Special meeting minutes 17-02 for March 24, 2016. Trustee Ross seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
3. Trustee Richeson made a motion to approve agenda 7-07 for April 6, 2017. Trustee Eilers seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed
II. Communications:
III. Open to Public:
IV. Homecoming Report
V. Treasurer Report:
VI. Committees:
A. Community Development health
1. Trustee Beil not present.
B. Water and Sewer:
1. Trustee Tolbert he will have bids for the lift station generator at the Meadows next meeting.
2. Trustee Tolbert stated he has 1 bid for a water tower inspection and still waiting for a few more, tabled to next meeting.
C. Police:
1. Chief Howe had nothing to report.
D. Ordinance and Finance
1. Trustee Gavlick reported that the construction of the new Village Hall may start around April 13th.
E. Public Grounds & buildings:
1. Trustee Ross reported the part time Summer help to be discussed in the closed session.
2. Trustee Ross reported that we should be hearing about the Sustainability Grant on April 19, 2017. The Activity Center roof tabled.
3. The Activity Center bathroom & kitchen tabled until Trustee Ross gets bids from contractors.
F. Streets and Lanes/Motor fuel tax:
1. Trustee Richeson had nothing to report.
IV. Reports:
A. Public Works-Nothing to report
B. Engineer Report-Nothing to report.
C. Village Attorney-Nothing to report.
D. FOIA request-Nothing to report.
E. Planning Commission-Nothing to report.
F. Zoning Officer-Nothing to report.
G. Building Inspector-Nothing to report
VII. Old Business:
VIII. New Business:
IX. Claims:
A. Trustee Gavlick made a motion to approve the claims in the amount of $48,265.69 Trustee Ross seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
X. Open to the Public:
XI. Closed Session: Trustee Richeson moved to go from open to closed session for the purpose of discussion the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. (5 ILCS 120/20, 1). Trustee Eilers seconds, voice call vote, 4 ayes, 1 nay Trustee Ross, motion passed.
XII. Open Session:
1. Trustee Richeson made a motion to Chief Howe's recommendation to change the Police Officers hourly rate to $17.00 per hour for all shifts, Trustee Eilers seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
2. Trustee Richeson made a motion to give the Utility Billing Clerk a 4.5% pay increase. Trustee Ross seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
3. Trustee Richeson made motion to give the Village Clerk a 4.5% pay increase. Trustee Eilers seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
4. Trustee Ross made a motion to hire part time help pending passing the drug test & physical at the rate of $10.00 per hour, Trustee Richeson seconds. Roll call vote, all in favor, motion passed.
XIII. Adjournment:
A. Trustee Richeson made motion to adjourn, Trustee Ross seconds. Voice call vote, all in favor, motion
Meeting was adjourned 8:10 p.m.
The next meeting will be April 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm