
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville City Council met May 16.

Webp city

City of Edwardsville City Council met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council was held at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers with Mayor Patton presiding. Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy answered present on roll call.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Mayor Patton welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Cable Channel 993 to the meeting and asked if any citizen wished to address the Council. No one came forward.

Motion by Stamer, seconded by Stack, to approve the Consent Agenda. Claims amount was changed to read S1,753,521.24 (Regular) and $28,174.24 (Library) for a total of $1,781,695.48. License to Conduct a Raffle for Whitley's Wishes was added under Legislative & Executive. Mayor Patton read Consent Agenda items as follows:

Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on May 01, 2017 (Sine Die) and May 02, 2017

Activity and Financial Reports:

A. Reports of Elected and Appointed Officials:

a) City Clerk/Collector-Monthly Financial Report (electronic distribution)

b) City Clerk/Collector-Monthly Activity Report

c) City Treasurer - Monthly Financial Report and Quarterly Report

d) Police - Monthly Activity Report

e) Fire Chief-Monthly Activity Report (Fire and EMS Services) (to be distributed)

f) Public Works Director- Building, Electrical and Plumbing Permits

B. Circuit Clerk's Report

Group Health Insurance Fund Report - $356,565.00

Executive Session - Pending Litigation

Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Stamer, seconded by Louer, to approve, a Class F Special Use Liquor License for Recess Brewing LLC for the "Route 66 Festival" to be held at City Park located at 112 S. Kansas St., Edwardsville, IL 62025 on June 09-10, 2017. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Stamer, seconded by Stack, to approve a License to Conduct a Raffle for "Whitley's Wishes Inc." with chances to be sold May 16, 2017 - May 31, 2017. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy votingaye. Motion Carried.

Confirmation of Poll of Council on May 11, 2017 to approve a Class F Special Use Liquor License for Craft Chophouse for the "A Night in the Stacks" event to be located at the SIUE, Lovejoy Library om Saturday, May 13, 2017. Roll Call: Six Ayes, One Nay. Motion Carried.

Minutes of Finance Committee meeting on April 27, 2017 were received for information and file.

Motion by Louer, seconded by Stack, to approve to approve Claims in the amount of $1,753,521.24 (Regular) $28,174.24 (Library) for a total of $1,781,695.48. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

An Ordinance Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2017 and Ending the Monday Preceding the First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2018 was filed for second reading.

Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room.

Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting on April 24, 2017 were received for information and file.

Motion by Krause, seconded by Morrison, to approve a Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of an Intoximeter EC/IR II Breath Analysis (BA) Machine and Ethernet Connection Kit with Modem Cable from Intoximeters, Inc in the total amount of S7,069.00. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer', Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Krause, Seconded by Stack, to approve a Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Motorola Mcc7500 Dispatch Consoles in a total amount not to exceed $260,274.05. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy Voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Krause, Seconded by Morrison, to approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $100,500.00 to IMPACT Strategies for the Public Safety Facility. (This proposal is to construct an additional 33 parking spaces along the south of the facility.) Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy Voting aye. Motion Carried.

Public Safety Committee next meeting date to be determined.

Minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting on April 25, 2017 were received for information and file.

Motion by Stamer, seconded by Louer, to approve Purchase two (2) 2017 Ford Taurus SE Sedans through the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services Joint Purchasing Contract form Morrow Brothers Ford in the total amount of $41,378.00. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Stamer, seconded by Louer, to approve a Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plat of Heck Subdivision. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room.

Minutes of Administrative & Community Service Committee meeting on April 27, 2017 were received for information and file.

Motion by Risavy, Seconded by Morrison, to approve an Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Edwardsville, 5497 New Poag Road, New Poag Associates LLC Annexes the 15.2 Acre RESERVE PUD site. Roll Call: Six Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. One Nay, with Aldermen Krause voting nay. Motion Carried.

Motion by Risavy, Seconded by Morrison, to approve a Resolution Authorizing a Sign Variance Request for 226 S. Main Street- Gucciardo CPAs PC-approves a sign variance option for the replacement freestanding sign at this site.

Roll Cali: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Motion by Risavy, Seconded by Morrison, to approve a Resolution Approving Final Plat of Heck's Subdivision - approves the final plat of the subdivision. Roll Call: Seven Ayes, with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Stamer, Louer, Stack, Burns and Risavy voting aye. Motion Carried.

Zoning Board of Appeals minutes 03/27/17 were received for information and file.

Administrative & Community Service Committee will meet on Thursday, June 01, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room.

Council recessed at 7:30 p.m. Council went into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. Council

reconvened into Open Session at 8:10 p.m.

Council adjourned.
