Alton Haskell Playhouse Committee met May 19.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Haskell Playhouse Committee met on Friday, May 19, 2017 in the council chamber of the Alton City Hall.
Members present: Doug Bader, Carolyn Dooley, Mike Doucleff, Michael Haynes and Margaret Hopkins
Chairman Bader called the meeting to order at 8:03a.m.
Minutes of the September 15, 2016 meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept as presented was made by Carolyn
Dooley, second by Michael Haynes , motion passed.
New Business: Payment of Invoices
1. Renaissance Roofing for time and material for decking work at the playhouse. After calling their office in regards
to this invoice it was discovered that since there was minimal work completed on the decking that they would
not be submitting an invoice.
2. Alton Sheet Metal invoice for $500 for repair to the iron cresting on the roof of the playhouse. Renaissance
Roofing removed it when their work began and Alton Sheet Metal did some repair and fabrication prior to it
being re-installed after the roof work was complete. It was also repainted by Dick Alford (at no cost). A motion
was made to approve this payment by Michael Haynes, second by Carolyn Dooley and motion carried.
3. Invoice for several purchases of 8” Cedar Bevel Siding from R.P. Lumber by Rick Trudell. First amount is $43.04,
second for $86.08 (these two invoices attached)and lastly $120.20 (we do not at this time have that invoice in
hand) for a total of $249.32. This siding work has been completed and this payment is for reimbursement of
materials. A motion was made by Michael Hayes for approval of payment, second by Carolyn Dooley, motion to
approve by Doug Bader, Carolyn Dooley, Michael Haynes and Margaret Hopkins. Mike Doucleff voting No.
Motion carried.
Other Business:
Carolyn Dooley reported that the Playhouse Trust account has a balance of $7477.64.
Chairman Bader shared plans from the members of the Haskell Playhouse Assoc that they will be having a sale of the old
slate from the playhouse for fundraising.
Michael Haynes ask what we would like to do with the plastic temporary downspouts used during the paint removal
restoration….it was decided to include those in the June 3, Friends of Haskell Garage Sale with those proceeds( from the
sale of downspouts) going to the playhouse.
Without further business to be considered, a motion to adjourn was made by Mike Doucleff, second by Carolyn Dooley.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 a.m