City of Alton Oriental Garden Committee met April 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:05pm.
2. Members present: Peggy Tavernier, Sadiq Mohyuddin, Talat Mohyuddin, Joan Sheppard and Charles Sheppard
3. Members absent: Nadia Mohyuddin, Fatima Kahn, Michael Haynes, Wei Lin and Yusuf Mohyuddin.
4. Minutes of the February meeting were read by Peggy Tavernier. A motion was made by Talat Mohyuddin and seconded by Joan Sheppard to accept the minutes as read. Motion passed.
5. Treasure’s report by Joan Sheppard shows a balance of $13,310.11 in the account. Deposits made today are $3,025.00. This gives us a total of $6,335.11. A motion was made by Peggy Tavernier and seconded by Charles Sheppard to accept report. Motion passed.
6. Old business: Twenty new trees have been planted by Joel Anderson. Ben Chu placed the stakes for all the trees. Mr. Edward Honaker was also present. He has donated a total of twelve trees in honor of his family members.
An open letter in the Telegraph was discussed.
A memorial plaque was discussed. We will check with Michael for suggestions.
Methods for marking the dedicated trees was discussed. Possibly a wooden plaque in the pavilion instead of tags on individual trees was discussed.
Waldbart Nursery has donated two trees. Joan updated tree purchases.
We need to talk with Michael about cleaning up areas between bridges three and four.
Peggy checked with Amish Gazebos and they do not have plans for Torii gates. Ameren will be contacted about possibility of using phone poles for gate uprights.
7. New business: Torii gate design still not obtained.
Future celebrations depend on gate construction.
8. The next meeting will be, Thursday, June 15th at 4pm
9. there was a motion by Peggy and a second by Joan to adjourn. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 4:55pm.