
Metro East Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Belleville Finance Committee & Economic Development & Annexation met September 11.

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City of Belleville Finance Committee & Economic Development & Annexation met September 11. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

In Attendance 

(A) Finance Committee Members 

Ken Kinsella, Alderman 

Jane Pusa, Alderman 

Scott Tyler, Alderman 

Shelly Schaefer, Alderman 

Raffi, Ovian, Alderman 

Andy Gaa, Alderman 

Dennis Weygandt, Alderman 

Roger Barfield, Alderman

Economic Development & Annexation Committee Members 

Ken Kinsella, Alderman

Jane Pusa, Alderman

Kent Randle, Alderman

Shelly Schaefer, Alderman

Andy Gaa, Alderman

Dennis, Weygandt, Alderman

Roger Wigginton, Alderman

(B) Guests

Michael Hagberg 

Mike Christ, Impact Strategies 

Adam Hill, Sonoma Capitol 

Mike Koziatek, Belleville News Democrat

(C) Staff

Jamie Maitret, Finance Director 

Dean Hardt, City Treasurer 

Mark Eckert, Mayor 

Annissa McCaskill, EDPZ Director 

Eric Schauster, EDPZ Assistant Director 

Jason Poole, Public Works Director 

John Hartmann, Assistant Public Works Director

Chairman Kinsella called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Roll call was taken. All members were present except Alderman Anthony who was excused.

Evacuation procedures were explained. In case of severe weather everyone should exit through the back door and go to the interior hallway.

Chairman Kinsella opened public participation.

Michael Hagberg had comments on Escape 618 in regards to what is taxed. He questioned the co-mingling of TIF funds in and out of TIFS in the Sonoma Cap project. He feels that the sales tax extension originally was to be used to hire more police.

Chairman Kinsella asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the Finance Meeting on August 14, 2017 and the EDA Meeting on July 5, 2017.


Alderman Pusa made a motion to approve the Finance Committee minutes from the August 14, 2017 Meeting. Alderman Schaefer seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.


Alderman Wigginton made a motion to approve the Economic Development & Annexation Committee minutes from July 5, 2017. Alderman Gaa seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.

Motion to approve the purchase of 3 refurbished trash trucks for S148,050 from Elliot Equipment Co. 

Jason Poole asked the committee to approve the purchase of three 2009 refurbished International trash trucks at a cost of S148,050. He located these trucks in Iowa. Discussion followed.


Alderman Ovian made a motion to approve the purchase of 3 refurbished trash trucks for $148,050 from Elliot Equipment Co. Alderman Barfield seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Tyler, Ovian, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Barfield and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.

Consider Development Agreement with Escape 618 for the remodeling at 102 East Main Street 

Eric Schauster explained that the developer is hoping to remodel 102 East Main Street and turn it into a new and popular venue of entertainment. The City will reimburse them for TIF eligible expenses and sales tax will be generated through concessions and t-shirt sales. Discussion about parking and other concerns regarding remodeling older buildings followed.

Motion -EDA 

Alderman Randle made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with Escape 618 for the remodeling at 102 East Main Street. Alderman Gaa seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Randle, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Wigginton, and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.


Alderman Tyler made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with Escape 618 for the remodeling at 102 East Main Street. Alderman Pusa seconded Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Tyler, Ovian, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Barfield and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.

Consider Development Agreement with SONOMACAP RE FUND III for the Redevelopment of 8512 West Main Street and 7009 West Main Street 

Eric Schauster explained this project includes the demolition of two apartment complexes. The developer will receive $235,000 in TIF eligible costs. (Only 8512 is eligible for TIF Funds). He plans to build two single family homes on the 8512 site and eight garden villas at 7009 West Main Street. Mayor Eckert commented that this will be a much needed and long awaited improvement for the area. Discussion followed.


Alderman Wigginton made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with SONOMACAP RE FUND III for the Redevelopment of 8512 West Main Street and 7009 West Main Street. Alderman Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Randle, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Wigginton and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.

Motion -Finance 

Alderman Pusa made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with SONONMA CAP RE FUND III for the Redevelopment of 8512 West Main Street and 7009 West Main Street. Alderman Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Tyler, Ovian, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Barfield and Kinsella all voted yes. The motion passed.

Consider Revisions to the Business Assistance Program 

Eric Schauster explained that there were some formatting and language changes. Discussion followed. No motion was needed.

Motion to approve using Gilmore & Bell as rebate analyst for Frank Scott Parkway Bonds arbitrage rebate calculations and filings at a cost of $4,500 

The Finance Director asked the committee to approve using Gilmore & Bell as the rebate analyst for the above referenced financing to determine any arbitrage rebate liability at a cost of $4,500. Discussion followed.


Alderman Tyler made a motion to approve using Gilmore & Bell as rebate analyst for Frank Scott Parkway Bonds arbitrage rebate calculations and filings at a cost of S4,500. Alderman Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Tyler, Ovian, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Barfield and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.

Consideration of extension of Ordinance #7704 concerning Home Rule sales tax without a sunset clause.

Mayor Eckert urged the committee to keep the sales tax extension because without it we would have to cut essential services. The Finance Director stated that we lost 1 million in revenue last year and we had to make cuts to avoid layoffs. Our reserves are quite low and she also feels we need to keep the extension. A decision has to be made by October 1, 2017. Discussion followed.


Alderman Ovian made a motion to extend Ordinance #7704 concerning Home Rule sales tax without a sunset clause. Alderman Pusa seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderman Pusa, Tyler, Ovian, Schaefer, Gaa, Weygandt, Barfield and Kinsella all voted yes. Mayor Eckert also voted yes. The motion passed.

Update on City Hall Project 

Mike Christ from Impact Strategies went over the calendar of events for the reopening of City Hall. He also gave an overall budget recap including the change orders to date and answered any questions from the aldermen. Discussion followed. No motion was made.

Revenue Sources 

Receive and File.


Alderman Pusa made a motion to receive and file the revenue sources. Alderman Weygandt seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.

Alderman Tyler made a motion to adjourn at 8:30pm. Alderman Schaefer seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.
